该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

WP Games Embed


Turn your wordpress blog into a games arcade!

This beta version WordPress plugin, WP Games Embed, makes it easy to embed games into your
WordPress blog by using shortcodes in your posts and pages. WP Games Embed is intended to be able to
support content offered by the various free games sites out there using the codes or downloads
they provide.


4 Different views:

  1. Grid view – a grid of thumbnail images linking to each game (can be restricted to a single category
    or parent category)

  2. Category view – this view includes a medium sized image and a written description of the game

  3. Single page view – the page where you play the game itself

  4. Featured Game view – this view is similar to category view, but allows you to pick the games yourself
    to create your own ‘Featured Games’ page.

Different embedding modes:

  1. iFrame embedding – embed iFrame content using code provided by free games sites, or use this method to display games from your own server where an html file has been provided with the free game download.

  2. Flash embedding – embed Flash content using embed codes provided by other sites, or embed flash games directly from your own site. You can even upload them easily using the wordpress ‘Add Media’ tool.


Visit Zap Gamez Arcade: http://www.zapgamez.com to see an example of the plugin in action.


Use the [game /] shortcode to embed games into your wordpress posts
Use the [get_latest_games /] shortcode to display a thumbnail grid of the latest games.

For more detailed info visit the plugin page: http://www.samburdge.co.uk/plugins/wp-games-embed-plugin/


  1. Upload the wp-games-embed.php file to your wp-content/plugins folder.

  2. Activate the plugin from the Plugins page in WordPress.


No FAQ Available for this plugin
For more detailed info visit the plugin page: http://www.samburdge.co.uk/plugins/wp-games-embed-plugin/




「WP Games Embed」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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