WP Media Metadata Fix fixes the metadata of the image. This plugins looks for _wp_attached_file
, and _wp_attachment_metadata
meta keys for each attachment and fixes the meta values by regenerating or updating the meta data.
Download and extract this plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/
folder and activate the plugin from Plugins menu in WordPress Admin Dashboard.
Where can I find the button to fix the image metadata?
The Fix Metadata and Fix Image buttons are found in the list view of the Media library and edit page of the attachment.
2021 年 9 月 14 日
I use dynamically created thumbnails, but switching from WP basic pictures management to this left some error in media metadata that I was wondering how to fix (appart from directly modifying the database…).
This plugin just did the job for me.
It already inspires me an other plugin I could write: WP do not reorder the sizes in SRCSET but uses the order in metadata, leading to display problem on some browsers (Chrome for instance) as they get a bigger size than expected.
Maybe that could be something to correct like you did in your plugin.
Thank you very much!
2021 年 3 月 28 日
1 回复
I migrated all the media from an old wordpress site to a new one and forgot to migrate the postmeta table and lost all the media IDs, I was racking my brain with SQL when I found this plugin that solved my problem with a few clicks.
Thank you very much and congratulations to the developer!
Best regards,
Pedro Nascimento
- First Release