The Site Options plugin is a simple and free product for adding your custom site options on default page Settings -> Reading.
Just define needed settings in your functions file. More instructions.
Adding your custom options
add_action( 'init', 'custom__site_options', 10 ); function custom__site_options(){ global $wpto; if ( $wpto ) $wpto->fields = array ( 'section_one' => array( array( 'Header - First Settings', 'description will come' ), array( 'f_number' => array( 'number', 'A Number' ), 'f_text' => array( 'text', 'Simple text' ), )), 'section_two' => array( array( 'Header - Additional settings', 'description will soon' ), array( 'f_gallery' => array( 'gallery', 'Awesome gallery' ), 'f_chbox' => array( 'checkbox', 'Are u checked?' ), )), ); }
Access in the theme files
global $wpto; echo $wpto->getOption( 'section_one::f_text' ) ;
Field types support
- text
- textarea
- wysiwyg
- checkbox
- number
- select
- image
- gallery
- colorpicker
- Just setup and activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins – Add’ menu in WordPress
- How do I create settings for my own theme?
Please, read instructions.
- What types options are available to use?
- text
- textarea
- wysiwyg
- checkbox
- select
- number
- image
- gallery
- colorpicker
You can define custom fieldtype by special filter, if no one this types was detected, see inc/fields.php, filter ‘wpto_echo_field’.
1.2.1 – 05/03/17
- GALLERY field type henceforth return array instead string
1.2 – 05/03/17
- SELECT field type added
- Added ability to request clear field value without filtering
- Bugs fix
1.1 – 26/02/17
- Added default values