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Xtras LearnDash


This plugin is for LearnDash users; it is another grid for the courses (and for professors of the course), with a filter for categories or tags – through the use of shortcodes.


If you want to help me in writing more code or better poetry, please invite me to a beer (or coffee, maybe) by sending your donation to http://paypal.me/ernestortiz. Thanks in advance.


  • The Filter and the Courses grid…
  • The filter (and the tooltip) in action…
  • Also a grid for professors (please, note that the plugin profile-xtra is used here for the images).


  1. Upload unzipped plugin directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.


Nothing else to do after installation? No options page?

Nope, you simply upload and activate it; and the plugin do the rest…

So, how can I use this plugin…

Using a shortcode:

To show a filter of course categories names, followed by a two-column grid of all the courses:

This shortcode has many arguments; which self-explanatory names.
‘tax’ => ‘cat’, //’tag’ or ‘cat’

    'progress' => 1,
    'my' => 1,
    'q' => -1, //quantity

    'iclass' => 'thumbnail'

The main argument is SHOW, it decides what to show. It has one of these values: f (for shows only filter), p (for shows only the portfolio of courses), a (for show the authors, it means, the professors), and al (for shows a list of courses per professor). For example:

    To show only a filter:
    [xtraslms_portfolio show="f"]

    To show only a portfolio of courses (it means, image and title) as well as the name of the professor:
    [xtraslms_portfolio show="p,a"]

    To show only a portfolio of the image and name of professors:
    [xtraslms_portfolio show="a"]

You can apply a class to the images, using the argument ICLASS (its value is ‘thumbnail’ by default).

You can decide how many columns in the grid (from 1 to 5) with the argument COLS; and how many courses to show, with the argument Q; and the order, using the argument ORDERBY, which has the values ‘modified’ or ‘rand’. For example:

    To show one course, randomly:
    [xtraslms_portfolio show="p" q="1" orderby="rand"]

Back into the filter, you can filter by categories or by tags, using the argument TAX (which can take ‘cat’ or ‘tax’ value.

** to be continued **




「Xtras LearnDash」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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  • Stable Release