YouTube Simple Gallery is a plugin you can create an area for YouTube videos quickly with management by shortcode.
- Português (Default)
- English
- Français by Mermouy
- Persian (Iran) by Pouya Abbassi
New Updates 2.2.0
- Update English Translation.
- Added Support FontAwesome.css in the Admin Page.
- Added Persian (Iran) by Pouya Abbassi.
- Added Playback quality in the video.
- Added new features like: Show or Hide suggested videos, player controls and video title and player actions.
- Added custom single page – “single-youtube-gallery.php”
How Install
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Front-end: http://www.chrdesigner.com/demo/
Back-end: http://www.chrdesigner.com/demo/login/
Username: demo – Password: demo
- Português (Default)
- English
- Français by Mermouy
- Persian (Iran) by Pouya Abbassi
Do you want help me translate this plugin for your language? Please, send me your file .po for my email chrdesigner@chrdesigner.com
YouTube Simple Gallery is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
YouTube Simple Gallery is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CodexFree. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Installing the plugin
- Upload the plugin to the wp-content/plugins folder or install using the installer of WordPress plugins ;
- Activate the plugin ;
How to use
- After activating the plugin you’ll see a tab called “Videos” on it you can register your videos with only the video link , the plugin will accept three different URL formats.
- He already automatically generates the thumbnail of the video, but if you want to customize the thumb just add the same as “Featured Image”.
- When activating the plugin automatically a page called “Video Gallery” that it will be found within the “Pages” tab is already created.
- In it will contain an equivalent to this shortcode : [chr-youtube-gallery order=”DESC” orderby=”date” posts=”6″ category=”all”].
- This shortcode is the default, but if you want to change is just delete it and clicking on the same icon youtube play that opens an editor .
- In the poup-up you will add as much as the Ordinances ” Descending – Ascending ” or ” Date – Name – Random “.
- For change the single video copy the file “youtube-simple-gallery > single-youtube-gallery.php” and paste inside of the your theme folder.
This plugin is licensed under GPL.
- O que eu preciso para utilizar este plugin?
- What do I need to use this plugin?
- Have the optional WP-PageNavi plugin installed for the paging system.
- Versão incial do plugin.
- Suporte multi-línguas.
- Added support for widget.
- New page for settings to plugin with AutoPlay true or false, size of video and differents sizes for thumbnails.
- Added French language.
- Filter per category.
- Add thumbnail preview in list and inside the post.
- Update English Translation.
- Added Support FontAwesome.css in the Admin Page.
- Added Persian (Iran) by Pouya Abbassi.
- Added Playback quality in the video.
- Added new features like: Show or Hide suggested videos, player controls and video title and player actions.
- Added custom single page – “single-youtube-gallery.php”