`正在安装插件:经典编辑器 1.6.2
正在从 https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/classic-editor.1.6.2.zip 下载安装包…( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\_idn_uri_convert() in /www/wwwroot/fromeventpage.com/wp-content/plugins/wpcos/sdk/cos-php-sdk-v5/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php on line 220
( ! ) Error: Call to undefined function GuzzleHttp\_idn_uri_convert() in /www/wwwroot/fromeventpage.com/wp-content/plugins/wpcos/sdk/cos-php-sdk-v5/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Client.php on line 220
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.1609 7755208 {main}( ) …/update.php:0
2 2.8950 58307552 Plugin_Upgrader->install( $package = ‘https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/classic-editor.1.6.2.zip’, $args = ??? ) …/update.php:142
3 2.8954 58312080 Plugin_Upgrader->run( $options = [‘package’ => ‘https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/classic-editor.1.6.2.zip’, ‘destination’ => ‘/www/wwwroot/fromeventpage.com/wp-content/plugins’, ‘clear_destination’ => FALSE, ‘clear_working’ => TRUE, ‘hook_extra’ => [‘type’ => ‘plugin’, ‘action’ => ‘install’]] ) …/class-plugin-upgrader.php:137
4 2.8987 58504152 Plugin_Upgrader->download_package( $package = ‘https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/classic-editor.1.6.2.zip’, $check_signatures = TRUE, $hook_extra = [‘type’ => ‘plugin’, ‘action’ => ‘install’] ) …/class-wp-upgrader.php:743
5 2.8989 58483544 download_url( $url = ‘https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/classic-editor.1.6.2.zip’, $timeout = 300, $signature_verification = TRUE ) …/class-wp-upgrader.php:283
6 2.8989 58483600 wp_tempnam( $filename = ‘classic-editor.1.6.2.zip’, $dir = ??? ) …/file.php:1094
7 2.8991 58483776 wp_unique_filename( $dir = ‘/tmp/’, $filename = ‘classic-editor.1.6.2-bakOfk.tmp’, $unique_filename_callback = ??? ) …/file.php:679
8 2.8997 58484760 apply_filters( $hook_name = ‘wp_unique_filename’, $value = ‘1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’, ‘.tmp’, ‘/tmp/’, NULL ) …/functions.php:2607
9 2.8998 58485168 WP_Hook->apply_filters( $value = ‘1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’, $args = [0 => ‘1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’, 1 => ‘.tmp’, 2 => ‘/tmp/’, 3 => NULL] ) …/plugin.php:189
10 2.8998 58486672 wpcos_unique_filename( $filename = ‘1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’ ) …/class-wp-hook.php:305
11 2.8998 58486768 wpcos_remote_file_exists( $key = ‘/2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’ ) …/wpcos_actions.php:209
12 2.9289 59960384 Qcloud\Cos\Client->headObject( [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘/2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’] ) …/wpcos_actions.php:110
13 2.9289 59960760 Qcloud\Cos\Client->__call( $method = ‘headObject’, $args = [0 => [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘/2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’]] ) …/wpcos_actions.php:110
14 2.9289 59960800 Qcloud\Cos\Client->__call( $name = ‘HeadObject’, $args = [0 => [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘/2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’]] ) …/Client.php:117
15 2.9303 59975976 Qcloud\Cos\Client->execute( $command = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Command { private $name = ‘HeadObject’; private $handlerStack = class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { private $handler = class Closure { … }; private $stack = […]; private $cached = class Closure { … } }; protected $data = [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’] } ) …/ServiceClient.php:153
16 2.9303 59975976 Qcloud\Cos\Client->executeAsync( $command = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Command { private $name = ‘HeadObject’; private $handlerStack = class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { private $handler = class Closure { … }; private $stack = […]; private $cached = class Closure { … } }; protected $data = [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’] } ) …/ServiceClient.php:77
17 2.9303 59976672 GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Handler\ValidatedDescriptionHandler->GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Handler\{closure:/www/wwwroot/fromeventpage.com/wp-content/plugins/wpcos/sdk/cos-php-sdk-v5/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle-services/src/Handler/ValidatedDescriptionHandler.php:39-80}( $command = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Command { private $name = ‘HeadObject’; private $handlerStack = class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { private $handler = class Closure { … }; private $stack = […]; private $cached = class Closure { … } }; protected $data = [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’] } ) …/ServiceClient.php:85
18 2.9323 60065832 Qcloud\Cos\Client->GuzzleHttp\Command\{closure:/www/wwwroot/fromeventpage.com/wp-content/plugins/wpcos/sdk/cos-php-sdk-v5/vendor/guzzlehttp/command/src/ServiceClient.php:164-182}( $command = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Command { private $name = ‘HeadObject’; private $handlerStack = class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { private $handler = class Closure { … }; private $stack = […]; private $cached = class Closure { … } }; protected $data = [‘Bucket’ => ‘ng-1306060880’, ‘Key’ => ‘2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’] } ) …/ValidatedDescriptionHandler.php:79
19 2.9323 60066528 GuzzleHttp\Promise\coroutine( $generatorFn = class Closure { public $static = [‘command’ => class GuzzleHttp\Command\Command { … }]; public $this = class Qcloud\Cos\Client { public $httpClient = class GuzzleHttp\Client { … }; private $api = […]; private $desc = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description { … }; private $action = ‘HeadObject’; private $operation = […]; private $cosConfig = […]; private $signature = class Qcloud\Cos\Signature { … }; private $rawCosConfig = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient}config = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient}description = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description { … }; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}handlerStack = class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { … }; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}commandToRequestTransformer = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}responseToResultTransformer = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}httpClient = class GuzzleHttp\Client { … } } } ) …/ServiceClient.php:181
20 2.9332 60086176 GuzzleHttp\Promise\Coroutine->__construct( $generatorFn = class Closure { public $static = [‘command’ => class GuzzleHttp\Command\Command { … }]; public $this = class Qcloud\Cos\Client { public $httpClient = class GuzzleHttp\Client { … }; private $api = […]; private $desc = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description { … }; private $action = ‘HeadObject’; private $operation = […]; private $cosConfig = […]; private $signature = class Qcloud\Cos\Signature { … }; private $rawCosConfig = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient}config = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\GuzzleClient}description = class GuzzleHttp\Command\Guzzle\Description { … }; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}handlerStack = class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { … }; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}commandToRequestTransformer = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}responseToResultTransformer = […]; private ${GuzzleHttp\Command\ServiceClient}httpClient = class GuzzleHttp\Client { … } } } ) …/functions.php:456
21 2.9341 60121704 current ( ) …/Coroutine.php:68
22 2.9341 60121704 Qcloud\Cos\Client->GuzzleHttp\Command\{closure:/www/wwwroot/fromeventpage.com/wp-content/plugins/wpcos/sdk/cos-php-sdk-v5/vendor/guzzlehttp/command/src/ServiceClient.php:165-181}( ) …/Coroutine.php:68
23 2.9469 60461880 GuzzleHttp\Client->sendAsync( $request = class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request { private $method = ‘HEAD’; private $requestTarget = NULL; private $uri = class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri { private $scheme = ‘http’; private $userInfo = ”; private $host = ‘ng-1306060880.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com’; private $port = NULL; private $path = ‘/2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’; private $query = ”; private $fragment = ” }; private $headers = [‘Host’ => […]]; private $headerNames = [‘host’ => ‘Host’]; private $protocol = ‘1.1’; private $stream = NULL }, $options = [] ) …/ServiceClient.php:173
24 2.9469 60462576 GuzzleHttp\Client->buildUri( $uri = class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri { private $scheme = ‘http’; private $userInfo = ”; private $host = ‘ng-1306060880.cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com’; private $port = NULL; private $path = ‘/2021/10/1634298593-e9ebb1db49685be.tmp’; private $query = ”; private $fragment = ” }, $config = [‘base_uri’ => class GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri { private $scheme = ‘http’; private $userInfo = ”; private $host = ‘cos.ap-nanjing.myqcloud.com’; private $port = NULL; private $path = ‘/’; private $query = ”; private $fragment = ” }, ‘timeout’ => 3600, ‘handler’ => class GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack { private $handler = class Closure { … }; private $stack = […]; private $cached = NULL }, ‘allow_redirects’ => [‘max’ => 5, ‘protocols’ => […], ‘strict’ => FALSE, ‘referer’ => FALSE, ‘track_redirects’ => FALSE], ‘http_errors’ => TRUE, ‘decode_content’ => TRUE, ‘verify’ => TRUE, ‘cookies’ => FALSE, ‘idn_conversion’ => TRUE, ‘_conditional’ => [‘User-Agent’ => ‘GuzzleHttp/6.5.1 curl/7.70.0 PHP/7.4.24’]] ) …/Client.php:113
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