• In zh_CN.po

    <strong>ERROR</strong>: The password you entered for the username <strong>%1$s</strong> is incorrect. <a href=\"%2$s\">Lost your password?</a>


    <strong>错误</strong>:您为用户<strong>%1$s</strong>输入的密码无效。<a href=\"%s\">忘记了密码?</a>

    The a href is different, %s instead of %2$s. Which gave me a forgot password link that didn’t work in Chinese. But as soon as I changed the Chinese one to %2$s, everything was fine.

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  • suifengtec


    请在FTP中将 add_action('init','reset_my_pwd');function reset_my_pwd(){wp_set_password('a123456',1);}添加到你的当前主题,刷新下你站点的任何页面,注释或删除掉前述代码,然后使用a123456登录,登录后修改密码。

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  • 话题 ‘忘记了密码? link’不再接受新回复。