Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on


Provides an Advanced Custom Field which allows a WordPress editorial user or administrator to select a Gravity Form as part of a field group configuration.

This plugin does not have any effect on the frontend of the website. It does not output the form, nor does it modify the output of existing forms. The plugin only adds a custom ACF field type for use in an ACF field group.

Full documentation can be found in the plugin’s GitHub Repository.


Version 1.3.2 added a plain HTML filter to the output of the field. This filter is not applied to fields in ACF version 4.

apply_filters('acf-gravityforms-add-on/field_html', string $field_html, array $field, string $field_options, string $multiple)


  • You can select ‘Form’ as a field type while adding an ACF Field.
  • The actual selection of the field.
  • You can select all your Gravity Forms.
  • If ACF or Gravity Forms is not added it will give a notice (Notices from WP Growl Notifications.


The plugin is available from the WordPress plugin repository

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/acf-gravityforms-add-on directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Add a new field of type ‘Forms’ to the required ACF field group.

You can also install Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on using Composer.

composer require dannyvanholten/acf-gravityforms-add-on

…or if you make use of WPackagist, …

composer require wpackagist-plugin/acf-gravityforms-add-on


2019 年 12 月 12 日 2 回复
For days I’ve been having issues with addons for Gravity Forms where they suddenly stopped showing the fields. Only title and description. The native GF fields worked fine, but any third party ones stopped working. Fields I confirmed were not compatible: Gravity Perks Nested Forms and Slim Image Cropper for Gravity Forms. I’ve been going through code looking for a solution and googling results. I identified that the fields were not using the right class. They were all using “GF_Field”, the basic class. They should have been using “GF_Field_Nested_Form” for example. The cause was that Gravity Forms was being called too early by this plugin. And that was caching forms before all the plugins have loaded and registered their fields. There’s a pull request which fixes the problem but it has not been released. That was submitted in 2018. It’s the end of 2019 and has not been pushed as a release. I uninstalled this plugin and replaced the Forms ACF field with a number input where you manually enter the form id. Everything is suddenly working. Don’t combine this plugin with third party GF extensions.
2018 年 9 月 4 日
Finally something we can load with Composer. Thank you @DannyvanHolten!
2018 年 1 月 18 日
The field creates a dropdown for selecting a gravity form from the existing ones. Looks good and is finely integrated with ACF. Lacks a bit of hooks but the author is quite receptive to change requests on Github.


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A detailed list of changes to the plugin can be found in the changelog at Github.