Create, manage, and validate your ads.txt and app-ads.txt from within WordPress, like any other content asset. Requires PHP 7.4+ and WordPress 5.7+.
Ads.txt是互动广告局的一项举措,可让发布商控制谁可以销售其广告资源。 通过我们10up与各种发布商的合作,我们创建了一种在WordPress中管理和验证ads.txt文件的方式,无需上传文件。 插入到插件中的验证有助于避免格式错误的记录,这可能导致最终缓存达24小时的问题,并可能导致广告收入下降。
- Requires PHP 7.4+.
- Requires WordPress 6.3+.
- 广告拦截器可能会破坏编辑屏幕上的语法突出显示和预保存错误检查。
- 需要启用重写。没有重写,被要求时WordPress不知道供应
。 - 您的站点网址不得包含路径(例如
处显示内容。 这是因为插件遵循IAB规范,该规范要求ads.txt文件位于域名或子域名的根目录。
我们正在密切关注广告欺诈领域的持续发展,并且将此插件视为创建和管理ads.txt文件的一种方式,同时也为将来的更改和规格升级做好准备。 Ads.cert仍处于非常早期的阶段,所以我们没有看到实施ads.txt的任何直接问题。
是的!然而,如果你使用一个子文件夹安装他用于主要的站点。这是因为你仅有一个ads.txt 用于给与域名或者子域名给每一个ads.txt 指定的。我推荐它仅用于激活Ads.txt Manager 每个站点。
- 通过插件安装器安装插件,通过搜索或上传.zip文件。
- 激活插件。
- 前往设置 – Ads.txt 或者 App-ads.txt 并且添加你需要的记录
- 检查 yoursite.com/ads.txt 或 yoursite.com/app-ads.txt!
Note: If you already have an existing ads.txt or app-ads.txt file in the web root, the plugin will not read in the contents of the respective files, and changes you make in WordPress admin will not overwrite contents of the physical files.
You will need to rename or remove the existing (app-)ads.txt file (keeping a copy of the records it contains to put into the new settings screen) before you will be able to see any changes you make to (app-)ads.txt inside the WordPress admin.
“Ads.txt Manager” 是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。
1.4.4 – 2024-06-26
- Added: Placeholder record can be added with no authorized sellers or buyers (props @ankitrox, @peterwilsoncc via #129).
- Changed: Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.5 (props @zamanq, @QAharshalkadu, @jeffpaul, @qasumitbagthariya, @sudip-md via #152, #156, #162).
- Fixed: Better error handling for environments that don’t match our minimum PHP version (props @dkotter, @rahulsprajapati, @peterwilsoncc, @frankiebordone, @vikrampm1 via #149).
- Security: Bump
from 7.3.5 to 7.5.3 (props @dependabot, @peterwilsoncc via #147).
1.4.3 – 2023-06-21
- Added:
file exists check from the backend (props @sksaju, @peterwilsoncc, @mmcachran, @dinhtungdu, @helen, @jeffpaul via #131). - Added: Check for and delete orphan
posts not referenced in the option (props @sksaju, @peterwilsoncc via #138). - Added: Mochawesome reporter added for Cypress test report (props @jayedul, @peterwilsoncc via #141).
- Changed: Bump WordPress “tested up to” version 6.2 (props @peterwilsoncc, @faisal-alvi via #135).
- Changed: Run E2E tests on the zip generated by the “Build Release ZIP” GitHub Action (props @jayedul, @peterwilsoncc via #137).
- Changed: Update the Dependency Review GitHub Action (props @jeffpaul, @Sidsector9 via #142).
- Fixed: Remove PHP matrix from PHP8 Compatibility action (props @Sidsector9, @peterwilsoncc via #127).
- Fixed: Corrected names for PHP Unit test suite runs (props @peterwilsoncc, @jeffpaul via #133).
- Fixed: Fatal error if the role `administrator“ does not exist (props @peterwilsoncc, @Sidsector9 via #140).
- Security: Bump
from 3.15.0 to 3.16.0 (props @dependabot, @peterwilsoncc via #128). - Security: Bump
from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (props @dependabot, @peterwilsoncc via #130).
1.4.2 – 2023-01-16
- Changed: Update Support Level from
(props @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc via #123). - Changed: Update Cypress integration to use v11 (props @jayedul, @peterwilsoncc via #116).
- Fixed: Display
files for crawlers using a cache busting query string (props @peterwilsoncc, @cadic via #118).
1.4.1 – 2022-12-14
- Added: Support for OWNERDOMAIN & MANAGERDOMAIN per version 1.1 of the spec (props @SoftCreatR, @tott, @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc via #108)
- Added: Unit tests (props @jeffpaul, @cadic, @faisal-alvi, @peterwilsoncc via #87)
- Added: Dependency security scanning (props @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc via #97)
- Changed: Bump WordPress tested up to to 6.1 (props @jayedul, @dkotter, @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc via #113)
- Changed: Minimum WP and PHP version requirement bumped to 5.7 and 7.4 respectively (props @jayedul, @dkotter, @peterwilsoncc, @cadic via #103, #117)
- Fixed: Base URL corrected for E2E test suite. (props @peterwilsoncc, @cadic, @dkotter via #112)
- Security: Bump got and @wordpress/env (props @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc, @dependabot, @dkotter via #104)
- Security: Bump simple-git and @wordpress/env (props @jeffpaul, @peterwilsoncc via #105)
1.4.0 – 2022-04-13
- Added: Support for the
variable (props @dkotter, @faisal-alvi) - Added: End to end tests with Cypress (props @cadic, @dinhtungdu, @darylldoyle, @Sidsector9)
- Changed: Update dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer from 0.5.x to 0.7.1 (props @evokelektrique, @peterwilsoncc)
- Changed: Update minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
- Changed: Bump WordPress tested up to to 6.0 (props @mohitwp, @cadic, @peterwilsoncc via #85, #90)
- Changed: Automated testing code compatibility against PHP versions from 5.3 to 8.1 (props @cadic)
- Fixed: Allow admins to access revisions (props @PypWalters, @dinhtungdu)
- Fixed: Coding standards violations (props @peterwilsoncc)
1.3.0 – 2020-05-01
- 添加: 支持app-ads.txt 文件类型 (props @helen, @westi, @p0mmy)
- 移除: 停止尝试显示一个错误关于现有的
文件 ,由于太多的报错,我们将待会这个到更好的方式。 - 更改:轻微的将WordPress版本支持提升到5.4 (props @tmoorewp, @jeffpaul)
- 改动: 切换到使用Github Action 来代替 Travis (https://travis-ci.org/) 用于继续的整合 (props @helen)
- 更改: 升级插件屏幕以及FAQs (props @jeffpaul, @helen)
- 修复: 当保存ads.txt 的时候更新能力检查 (props @eclev91)
Further changelog entries can be found in the CHANGELOG.md file.