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Advanced Https Redirection


This plugin enables you to easily redirect your whole domain from/to HTTP to/from HTTPS, or you can just redirect certain pages, posts, terms or custom post type or any other front-end page.

Using this plugin you can force your website visitors to use the the HTTPS version of your website, or the other way around. And you can also use it to have your whole website on HTTPS while certain pages are on HTTP, or the other way around.

This plugin allows you to redirect both dynamic resources and static resources – for static resources to work your server must be Apache and you should have an .htaccess file in your root WordPress directory.

features – all redirections work from / to HTTP to/from HTTPS:

  • Redirect the whole domain including static resources

  • Redirect only the admin directory

  • Redirect only the front-end pages

  • Redirect only static resources

  • Redirect the whole domain except for certain posts, or custom post types, or terms, or custom taxonomies, or any other front-end page

  • Redirect using different redirection statuses: 301,302,303, and 307

  • This plugin will generate links for posts and other front-end pages based on how they should be redirected, so if a post is supposed to be accessed through HTTPS, this plugin will make sure that all links generated by WordPress to that post are HTTPS links, which is better for seo


  • Settings page
  • Post edit
  • Adding terms
  • Tooltips in settings page
  • Backing up htaccess file


1) Upload advanced-https-redirection folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2) Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3) Configure the plugin by going to Settings => Advanced https redirection, you can override these global settings in posts, terms, and all other front-end pages.


Installation Instructions

1) Upload advanced-https-redirection folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2) Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3) Configure the plugin by going to Settings => Advanced https redirection, you can override these global settings in posts, terms, and all other front-end pages.

How do i redirect the whole domain to https or http?

Go to the plugin’s settings page and then select the option Redirect to https in all the different options including static resources. If you wish to redirect the whole domain to http then select Redirect to http in all the different options.

Does this plugin work with all different Servers?

Yes, except for the redirection of the static resources – like images. You need to be on Apache and using an htaccess file for this option to work.

I want to redirect static resources but i\’m not on Apache or i don\’t use an htaccess file?

At the moment redirecting static resources works only by adding rewrite rules to an existing htaccess file, so if you are not on Apache or ypu are not using htaccess this option will not work – you will be informed in the settings page of this plugin whether this option will work for you or not.

In the future i may make this plugin compatible with more servers.

However, If you are using Apache this makes it quite easy for you to manage the redirection yourself, go to the plugin and choose what redirection status you want to use, and whether you want to redirect static resources to http or https. After choosing these options you will have a code that is meant to be inserted in your htaccess file, copy that code and insert it in your main Apache configuration file.




「Advanced Https Redirection」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。
