The plugin Classic Widgets is needed (this plugin doesn’t work with Gutenberg).
Compatible with PHP 8.2
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Dashboard Notes lets you create super simple notes and instructions for your clients within the WordPress dashboard. Choose the color of the notification, whether or not to include a logo, and exactly what pages to include the notification on (uses simple URL matching).
- Install the Dashboard Notes.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets where you will see a new “Dashboard Notes” sidebar.
- To create a note, simply drag a new widget into the sidebar and give it some content (we typically use a text/HTML widget).
- Once you’ve added content to the widget, click save, and the Dashboard Notes settings for this widget will appear.
- Adjust the settings to meet your needs, and click save when you’re done.
- Refresh, or navigate to any page to see your new note in action.
- Use the plugin settings found via Settings > Dashboard Notes to choose which user roles can/can’t see the notices.
Special thanks to Kaspars Dambis for his work on Widget Context – much of this project is based on that code.
- Install the Dashboard Notes.
- Go to Appearance > Widgets where you will see a new “Dashboard Notes” sidebar.
- To create a note, simply drag a new widget into the sidebar and give it some content (we typically use a text/HTML widget).
- Once you’ve added content to the widget, click save, and the Dashboard Notes settings for this widget will appear.
- Adjust the settings to meet your needs, and click save again.
- Navigate to any page to see your new note in action.
2021 年 2 月 15 日
Now I enjoy Dashboard Notes as well! But first I was have to find & fix a bug: the notes not appeared on specified URL.
It seems like the plugins` author still has not fixed all the URL bugs, so, you can open the
find the following function:
function check_widget_visibility( $widget_id ) {
and replace the
if($this->match_path( $this->get_current_url(), $vis_settings['url']['urls'] )…
with something like
if(strpos($this->get_current_url(), $vis_settings['url']['urls']) !== false)…
I have done and enjoy as well!
But… sice the moment, you MUST NOT update the plugin. To remebmer, I usually add “do not update!!!” after the ” * Plugin Name: ” at the start of the main plugin` file*.
*the current plugin has one PHP file only, it is the main file.
Плагин отличный… будет. После того, как вы пофиксите в нём единственный баг.
Похоже, автор плагина забил толстый болтец на доведение своего детища до ума, поэтому – берём в свои руки! Фиксим один единственный бажек, и наслаждаемся!
Откройте единственный PHP-файл плагина,
найдите код
function check_widget_visibility( $widget_id ) {
и замените в нём ниже
if($this->match_path( $this->get_current_url(), $vis_settings['url']['urls'] )…
чем-то вроде
if(strpos($this->get_current_url(), $vis_settings['url']['urls']) !== false)…
2021 年 1 月 22 日
I’ve tried all the dashboard/admin notes plugins but I end up overlooking them because I don’t pay all that much attention to the dashboard. The one thing I do notice anywhere are the notifications which is what this plugin creates. You can color code them just like notifications, red, orange, yellow, blue etc.
Now I can stack up my wp dashboard with To Do items.
Seems like I used a similar plugin before but this one renders html whereas the other one didn’t.
2020 年 5 月 4 日
It would be really helpful, if on the settings page you would place a hint, how to set and change notes, since the widget gets out of sight after a while.
Future users will certainly appreciate that.
2017 年 11 月 14 日
I am running 4 different sites all with WP. And trying to know which site I am logged into easily was becoming tricky. This plugin let me put a banner at the top of the dashboard with the site logo so I can easily glance and see what site I am in and working on. Love this!
2016 年 11 月 30 日
Thanks, the plugin works fine.
2016 年 9 月 18 日
No issues so far.
If ya want them to show up ONLY on your dashboard, select Show Only On Selected URLs and then put in ‘/index.php’ without quotes.
- Add plugin setting to choose which roles can and can’t see the dashboard notes.
- Added .pot file for translation.
- Added isset() to ‘include-logo’ option conditional to fix warning message
- Removed extraneous header info causing install error
- First release!