

随着WordPress 5.5的更新,默认情况下不再启用名为jquery-migrate的迁移工具。这可能会导致某些主题或运行较旧代码的插件无法发挥功能或出现异常。


随着WordPress 5.6的更新,包含的jQuery版本也已升级。这意味着以前引起警告的旧代码现在可能会导致错误或完全停止工作。




  1. 将压缩包解压后上传至您网站的插件目录,这一目录通常为wp-content/plugins/
  2. 在“插件”页面,启用该插件。
  3. 大功告成!此插件将自动为您处理接下来的工作。




WordPress 5.6之后会发生什么

随着WordPress 5.6版本的发布,jQuery版本也得到了更新。但以前出现弃用警告的插件或主题现在将会出现错误。












2024 年 1 月 4 日
The WooCommerce checkout error was solved and customers can now purchase successfully again. jQuery.Deferred exception: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘defaults’) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘defaults’)
2023 年 11 月 18 日 1 回复
I really do think that you should still include or incorporate jquery migrate files in new versions or updates of wordpress. It’s crazy that you know this is gonna crash a bunch of sites (like thousands) yet you do it anyway. Oh, and while I’m here, please get rid of the block editor (or whatever the hell it is) in these comments! It’s not intuitive enough. Poor UX/UI. 😟☹️
2023 年 4 月 28 日 2 回复
Congratulations to whoever made this plugin. There were some editor display issues on wordpress and the plugin fixed them. Now clearly I have to go back to the problem to restore the correct functioning of wordpress. but wow! it was amazing!
2022 年 5 月 5 日
This is an excellent plugin! Works perfectly! I just wish there was an option to turn off the message that says this is not a permanent fix.
2022 年 2 月 18 日
Boy did this come in handy. Thanks for doing this. It got the menus working. This will give us time to replace the existing theme with our own. Thanks again! JL nwcic.com
2021 年 10 月 10 日
I was tired of seeing the jQuery red error, so I made a site backup and installed the plugin thinking I would need to do some sort of tweaking. However, I looked immediately after the install and no error whatsoever. I was pleasantly surprised. 5 Stars for sure. Thanks.


「启用jQuery迁移助手」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「启用jQuery迁移助手」插件已被翻译至 17 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。





v 1.4.1 (2024-12-25)

  • Update jQuery version reference to match WordPress core.
  • Tested on latest WordPress core release.
  • Added some more urgency to the weekly reminder email if outdated jQuery versions are used, as they may not include the latest security patches.

v 1.4.0 (2023-07-31)

  • Fixed a bug where an empty error text would cause the plugin scripts from working properly.
  • Improved how inline scripts are detected and logged when applicable.
  • Improved logging to also capture deprecations within WordPress core.
  • Changed variable declarations for front-end scripts to use var instead of const and let, to improve compatibility for sites servicing older clients.
  • Updated the (modern) bundled jQuery Migrate script to match what is shipped with WordPress core.

v 1.3.0

  • Added legacy jQuery UI to be loaded if legacy jQuery is in use.
  • Added mention of site URLs in automatic emails.
  • Added option to enable/disable automatic downgrades.
  • Added logic to ensure only one downgrade request is sent per page load.
  • Updated logic around automatic downgrades for improved performance.
  • Fixed core deprecation notices being incorrectly labeled as undetermined inline ones.

v 1.2.0

  • 添加设置页面
  • 添加了降级到旧版jQuery的选项
  • 添加了自动降级
  • 添加了选项以记录现代jQuery中的弃用
  • 添加了电子邮件通知
  • Added weekly email digest of deprecations
  • Added option to allow logging deprecations from anonymous site visitors
  • Changed the handling of inline JavaScript code causing deprecation notices
  • Changed the admin bar to be two fixed links to avoid ever changing contexts
  • Changed the admin notices to be persistent when using legacy jQuery after upgrading to WordPress 5.6
  • Changed how concatenation is disabled, to address public-facing performance concerns
  • Fixed recommendation to remove plugin when not logging any deprecations having the wrong logic and not being displayed.

v 1.1.0

  • Added option to dismiss deprecation notices in backend
  • Added logging of deprecation notices in the front end
  • Added admin bar entry to show when deprecations occur
  • Added view of logged deprecations
  • Added dashboard notice encouraging users to remove the plugin if no deprecations have been logged in a while (1 week).
  • Changed the time interval between showing the dashboard nag from 2 weeks to 1 week, as WordPress 5.6 comes closer.

v 1.0.1

  • Fix one of the admin notices being non-dismissible.

v 1.0.0

  • 初始版本。