Genesis 自定义块



WordPress块编辑器(又称Gutenberg)为我们构建页面,帖子和网站的方式开辟了一个全新的世界。 Genesis自定义块使其易于利用此并构建自定义块,以便按照您想要构建的方式。 无论您是想要实现自定义设计,提供唯一功能,甚至删除对其他插件的依赖,Genesis自定义块都会提供您需要更快地命中“发布”的工具。

控制设计 – 实施美丽,定制设计,具有微调前端模板控制。

构建唯一的功能 – 构建块功能并按所需行事。

扩展 & 整合 – 轻松扩展自定义块以与第三方应用程序和插件集成。







Let the plugin do the heavy lifting so you can use the built-in editor, or familiar WordPress development practices to build block templates.


As an alternative to the built-in editor, there are simple functions, ready to render and work with the data stored through your custom block fields.


  • Inner Blocks Field
  • File Field
  • 文字字段
  • 图像字段
  • URL 字段
  • 触发器字段
  • 文字区域字段
  • 选择字段
  • Range Field
  • 无线电台字段
  • 数字字段
  • 多选选择字段
  • 邮件字段
  • 颜色字段
  • 检查框字段

通过Genesis Pro 做更多

对于想要升级Genesis自定义块的人来说,Genesis Pro订阅带来了一些严重的功率用户功能:

Genesis 自定义区块专业版功能

  • 寄存器字段
  • 分类法字段
  • 文章字段
  • 用户字段
  • 富文本字段
  • Classic 文字字段
  • 区块等级 导入/导出
  • 24/7 支持

Genesis Pro包括现代WordPress内容创作者,营销人员和开发人员的更多价值。 了解有关Genesis Pro的更多信息


开发人员工具只与他们的文档一样好。 这就是我们认真对待他们的原因。 以下是一些链接,让您入门:



  • See all of your blocks from Genesis 自定义块.
  • Create your block like you create any other content.
  • Create the markup for your block in wp-admin, if you’d like.
  • Your custom block in the block editor.
  • Create the markup for your block in a PHP template in your editor, if you’d like.



2.在搜索中键入“Genesis Custom Blocks”进入Enter.


1.从WordPress.org下载Genesis Custom Blocks插件。


Do I need to work with the Genesis Framework or any of the other Genesis plugins/themes to use this plugin?

No. You can use this plugin completely independently. All you need is to have the block editor enabled on your WordPress site.

Do I need to change to the new built-in Template Editor in /wp-admin?

No. You can keep using your PHP block templates like block-example.php.


2023 年 9 月 12 日 1 回复
This is exactly what I needed. I can make my own Gutenberg blocks with JS, PHP, and HTML without having to learn Node.js, React, and Redux (really Wordpress?). I plan on learning these, but need a solution right away. The only thing I wish is you could add your own icons for blocks. I have to dock 1 star because of the pricing of the paid subscription. $360 USD/ year for Genesis Pro? That’s insane guys. I want to support you, but that’s insane. I pay much less than that for leading media production software. I pay 1/3 that for a complete page builder that does so much more than Genesis Pro plus includes a clipart sub also. Your competitors are also about 1/3 the price. I’d be willing to pay $360 for a lifetime sub, not yearly. For Genesis Custom Blocks specifically I’d pay $49 – $99 / year if it was being actively developed.
2023 年 1 月 5 日 1 回复
Váš web neobsahuje podporu pro blok „genesis-custom-blocks/aaa-bbb“. Tento blok můžete ponechat nedotčený, nebo jej zcela odstranit. : (
2022 年 7 月 21 日
Thanks for the great plugin! Couple of questions…I see there is a way to include a .css file along with the .php file in the blocks folder inside the theme. However, is there also a way to enqueue a .js file with the block as well? Also, is there a quick way inside of php to determine if the user is access the block from the preview or from the front end? I know that there is the ability to create a separate preview php file, but the reason I ask is because there may be some cases where I literally only have a slight difference between the preview and live block and it would be nice to be able to write a conditional into the block php rather than copying all of the code and maintaining two separate files. Thanks, Wil
2022 年 7 月 1 日
Great tool for creating custom blocks. Interface is well designed and intuitive. I’m sure the author is aware that there’s another competing custom block plugin that offers features not available in the Genesis Custom Blocks free version. While I don’t mind paying for a commercial version to get the full feature set, having to pay for the pro plugin as part of a Genesis package that includes other things I don’t need which costs a whopping $360 a year is a major turn off. I’d suggest selling the pro plugin as a separate product for a reasonable fee.


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