该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Log HTTP Requests


Log and view all WP HTTP requests

How long do [core / plugin / theme] update checks take to run? What data about my site is being sent out? What about all those ajax requests? The answers to these questions are just a few clicks away.

This plugin logs all WP_HTTP requests and displays them in a table listing for easy viewing. It also stores the runtime of each HTTP request.

Available Hooks

Customize the length (in days) before older log items are removed:

add_filter( 'lhr_expiration_days', function( $days ) {
    return 7; // default = 1

Don’t log items from a specific hostname:

add_filter( 'lhr_log_data', function( $data ) {
    if ( false !== strpos( $data['url'], 'wordpress.org' ) ) {
        return false;
    return $data;

In the above example, the $data array keys correspond to columns within the lhr_log database table.

Important Links


  1. Download and activate the plugin.
  2. Browse to Tools > Log HTTP Requests to view log entries.


2024 年 7 月 24 日
The plugin does exactly what it says it does, and works perfect every time. I’ve used it quite a lot for troubleshooting purposes and have yet to discover any issues. Kind regards, Jarno
2023 年 11 月 11 日
This plugin has proven to be an indispensable tool for tracking and analyzing HTTP requests. Its ability to reveal whether a request was made, along with detailed insights into the transmitted data and received responses, is simply remarkable. The clarity it provides is instrumental for troubleshooting and optimizing processes. A must-have for anyone dealing with HTTP interactions
2021 年 9 月 22 日
This plugin is so helpful for tracking down whether an HTTP request was made at all, and when it was, what data was sent and what response was received. It’s invaluable for tracking down bugs tied to unexpected responses and requests.


「Log HTTP Requests」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「Log HTTP Requests」插件已被翻译至 2 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。

帮助将「Log HTTP Requests」翻译成简体中文。




= 1.4.1
* Fixed PHP8 deprecation notices


  • Added extra ajax role validation (props pluginvulnerabilities.com)


  • Escaped URL field to prevent possible XSS (props Bishop Fox)


  • Ensured compatibility with WP 5.8


  • Minor PHP cleanup
  • Ensured compatibility with WP 5.7


  • Moved “Log HTTP Requests” to the Tools menu (props @aaemnnosttv)
  • Added “Status” column to show HTTP response code (props @danielbachhuber)
  • Added prev/next browsing to the detail modal (props @marcissimus)
  • Added keyboard support (up, down, esc) to the detail modal (props @marcissimus)
  • Added raw timestamp to “Date Added” column on hover
  • Added hook docs to the readme


  • Added lhr_log_data hook to customize logged data (return FALSE to skip logging)
  • Added lhr_expiration_days hook


  • Minor styling tweak


  • Better visibility for long URLs


  • Minor design tweaks
  • Replaced json_encode with wp_send_json


  • Tested compatibility against WP 4.9.4


  • Initial release