该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Multiple Post Thumbnails


Adds multiple post thumbnails to a post type. If you’ve ever wanted more than one Featured Image on a post, this plugin is for you.


  • Admin meta box showing a new thumbnail named ‘Secondary Image’.
  • Media modal showing images attached to the post and a ‘Secondary Image’ selected.
  • Admin meta box with the ‘Secondary Image’ selected.


Please refer to full documentation at https://github.com/voceconnect/multi-post-thumbnails/wiki


If you have any issues with this plugin, please log them at the Github repo for this plugin.
This is done to centralize our issues and make sure nothing goes unnoticed.

The URL to log an issue is https://github.com/voceconnect/multi-post-thumbnails/issues

See Frequently Asked Questions at https://github.com/voceconnect/multi-post-thumbnails/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions


2017 年 1 月 19 日
I updated the plugin from 1.3 version to 1.6.6. but it didn’t work anymore. When I selected an image as an additional post thumbnail, the pop-up window closed but the selected image didn’t appear in page’s thumbnail preview window. And after saving the changes to page, the thumbnail image didn’t appear in the actual page either. For now, I rolled back to version 1.3 and it works as it should. But I would like to update to version 1.6.6. since the pop-up window for selecting additional post thumbnails is much easier to use and more stylish with 1.6.6. version when compared to 1.3. version. I also tried the fixed found from this topic (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bugfix-bug-with-multiple-post-types-wp-4-5/) but that didn’t work either.
2016 年 9 月 3 日 1 回复
Even though this plugin hasn’t been updated in a long time, it still works great! So I guess there’s just no reason for the developer to have it updated. 😉 For me this plugin is one of the easiest ways to selectively add a header image. I want it on some pages, but not on others. Using the standard Featured Image function will set it foor all or none, so that’s not flexible enough. One suggestion for an update though: Now you still need to add the following snippet to your theme’s function.php. if (class_exists('MultiPostThumbnails')) { new MultiPostThumbnails( array( 'label' => 'Secondary Image', 'id' => 'secondary-image', 'post_type' => 'post' 'post_type' => 'page' ) ); } It would be great if the plugin did this automatically. That will also keep the plugin active if you switch themes. P.S. To add the meta box to other post types, just add it to the snippet. ‘post_type’ => ‘event’ will add it for Events Manager, for example. 😉
2016 年 9 月 3 日 1 回复
I installed this plugin o a custom theme where I was using the first featured image as a background image and after installing this, surprise! Not working 🙁 Tried te disable/delete it, and surprise again! Still not working. So this plugin messed up my database. Thanks, developers!


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After version 1.3, releases were tracked in github: https://github.com/voceconnect/multi-post-thumbnails/releases

Historical releases are below:


  • Don’t show set as links in media screens when not in context (props prettyboymp). Add voceplatforms as an author. Updated FAQ.


  • Only enqueue admin scripts on needed pages (props johnjamesjacoby) and make sure thickbox is loaded (props prettyboymp). Add media-upload script to dependencies for post types that don’t already require it (props kevinlangleyjr).


  • Update FAQ. Clean up readme. Don’t yell null. Don’t output link to original if there is no image.


  • Use get_the_ID() in get_the_post_thumbnail. Props helgatheviking.


  • Increment version only to attempt to get plugin versions back in sync.


  • Revert init action changes from 0.7. Fixes admin metaboxes not showing when the MultiPostThumbnails class is instantiated in an action instead of functions.php


  • Add actions/filters on init action. Should fix admin metaboxes not showing or showing out of order. props arizzitano.


  • Update get_the_post_thumbnail return filter to use format {$post_type}_{$thumb_id}_thumbnail_html which allows filtering by post type and thumbnail id which was the intent. Props gordonbrander.
  • Update plugin URL to point to Plugin Directory


  • Update readme to check for MultiPostThumbnails class before calling.


  • Added: optional argument $link_to_original to *_the_post_thumbnails template tags. Thanks to gfors for the suggestion.
  • Fixed: PHP warning in media manager due to non-existent object


  • Fixed: when displaying the insert link in the media library, check the post_type so it only shows for the registered type.


  • Update docs and screenshots. Update tested through to 3.0 release.


  • Initial release.