This plugin adds a widget that makes your page list expandable/collapsible with a nice slide animation effect.
Nice Navigation Features and highlights:
- Simple and nice collapsible/expandable menu with your pages
- Better overview over your pages
- Instantly navigate to sub-pages
- Uses jQuery for a nice animation effect (hence the name)
- Users with JavaScript disabled will se a regular menu
- No downsides for SEO/Google, all pages still browsable by search engines
- All arguments/options available for wp_list_pages is available for this plugin/widget.
- Styles can be overridden with your own custom CSS
- Looks cool! 😉
Donation and more plugins
- If you like this plugin don’t forget to donate to support further development.
- Check out some more WordPress CMS plugins by the same author.
- Upload the folder “nice-navigation” to “/wp-content/plugins/”
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
- Go to Appearance > Widgets and you will find the Nice Navigation there
- …and another small fix. I suck at this!
- Fixed bug that caused the widget to not work in all themes. Should work in all/most themes now.
- Fixed a PHP short tag.
- Works a lot faster with sites with many pages. Hooray!
- Added option to make a click a the parent link expand the tree and not follow the link
- Does not load CSS or scripts in admin
- Small fix to CSS to make selected post bold
- Hopefully loads scripts and styles via https if that’s being used on the site
- wp_enqueue_style uses media screen. Hopefully this works better with gzip/minifiy-plugins. Thanks to http://twitter.com/JohannesHoppe/ for mentioning this.
- Plugin now available on wordpress.org
- Moved JavaScript and CSS to external files
- Arrows now have transparent backgrounds
- First public version.