该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

Repository Zip


The plugin creates zip download links within articles and pages of a subversion or git repository. On each call the subversion revision number / git tag, link text, css name and download
name can be set, so that each link points to different repositority parts.


  • remote access to Git or Subversion repository
  • local caching for the repository data
  • automatic update to the head revision
  • extension access only need on access
  • free configuration of tags, branches, trunk and revision / commit access


for SVN access
* PHP SVN extension

for Git access
* Git client
* PHP must execute shell commands (no safe mode)


Shotcut for SVN access

[svnzip url="url-to-your-svn"]

The SVN tag uses three optional flags (the default values are set within the plugin settings):

  • “trunkdir” the name of the trunk directory
  • “branchdir” the name of the branch directory
  • “tagdir” the name of the tag directory

Shotcut for Git access

[gitzip url="url-to-your-svn"]

Parameters for both commands are (all parameters are optional):

  • “version” defines a special revision (SVN) / commit (Git), which is used. If the parameter is not set, the latest revision (head) is used
  • “downloadtext” filename for the downloaded file (if not is set, the linktext is used)
  • “linktext” text of the link (default is set within the plugin settings)
  • “cssclass” sets the CSS class of the link (default is set within the plugin settings)
  • “type” enum value trunk | branch | tag for setting the repository part (default is trunk, for Git trunk is also used and it is applied to the master)
  • “name” the value for tag- or branchname (on trunk it is ignored / empty)


  1. Upload the folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Take a look to the plugin setting page and set your initialization data




「Repository Zip」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


帮助将「Repository Zip」翻译成简体中文。





  • extend clean-up call
  • optimize Git download code
  • Git pull call changed with git-dir & work-tree flags


  • clean-up expand for download files
  • git pull & checkout with force flag


  • clean-up call for temporary data


  • fixing Git pull path problem


  • first version with the base functions for using Git and SVN support