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Shopify Importer


Visit the official Shopify Importer plugin page for more support & additional information

If you have a Shopify.com website, you may want to export your products from Shopify and into your WordPress blog. This would make it easy to blog about all the products in your store.

Plugin functionality:

  • Tags will be imported as tags
  • All the exported product details will be added to the post or page as Custom Fields, allowing you to modify your theme to display all the details of your products.

Import options:

  • Import products as draft (Default: Import products as published)
  • Import products as pages (Default: Import products as posts)
  • Import Vendors as categories (For “Import as posts” only)


  • How the Shopify import screen appears
  • Screen after a successful Shopify import


  1. Upload plugin files to your plugins folder, or install using WordPress’ built-in Add New Plugin installer
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. Go to the Import page (Tools > Import)
  4. Click on the Shopify link
  5. Follow the instructions on the page


How should the CSV file be formatted?

The CSV file should be formatted exactly how it gets exported from the Shopify products screen. There is a sample-products.csv file included in the plugin for you to use as a template as well.

Does this plugin require I use Shopify?

The purpose for this plugin is to import data from a Shopify store, so you would either want to have an active store or have at least an exported CSV file.

What is the plugin license?
  • This plugin is released under a GPL license.




「Shopify Importer」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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  • Initial plugin release.