Boost your website with feature-rich tables that your visitors will love!
TablePress is the most popular and highest-rated WordPress table plugin.
- Easily create, edit, and manage beautiful and modern data tables, no matter if small or large!
- 为你的网站访客提供实时的排序、分页、搜索 等更多互动功能!
- 使用任意数据类型,插入图片、链接,甚至数学公式!
- 导入 和 导出 表格从/到 Excel、CSV、HTML 以及 JSON 文件或 URL。
- 使用块编辑器或者简码将表格嵌入到文章、页面,或者网站的其它位置。
- 完全不需要编程知识!
Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!
访问插件网站 tablepress.org 获取更多信息,看一看 示例表格,或者 在免费测试站点上试用 TablePress。要获取最新消息,请关注 @TablePress 的 Twitter 信息流,或者订阅 TablePress 新闻。
如何使用 TablePress
安装插件之后,您可以在 WordPress 控制面板的“TablePress”页面创建或者管理表格。
To insert a table into a post or page, add a “TablePress table” block in the block editor and select the desired table or use Shortcodes with common page builders.
Beginner-friendly step-by-step tutorials, guides, and how-tos show how to achieve common and popular tasks with TablePress.
Examples for common styling changes via “Custom CSS” code can be found on the TablePress FAQ page.
You may also add certain features (like sorting, pagination, filtering, alternating row colors, row highlighting, print name and/or description, …) by enabling the corresponding checkboxes on a table’s “Edit” screen.
Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!
- TablePress table Embed a TablePress table.
安装 TablePress 的最简单方式是通过你的 WordPress 控制台:
- 进入“插件”页面,点击“添加新插件”,在 WordPress 插件目录中搜索“TablePress”。
- 点击“现在安装”并在安装完成后点击“激活”。
- 到管理菜单的“TablePress”页面创建和管理表格。
- To insert a table into a post or page, add a “TablePress table” block in the block editor and select the desired table or use Shortcodes with common page builders.
手工安装方法与其它的 WordPress 插件的安装方法一样:
- Download the TablePress ZIP file and extract it on your computer.
- 将 “tablepress” 文件夹移动到您的 WordPress 安装中的 “wp-content/plugins/” 目录,例如使用 FTP。
- 通过您的 WordPress 仪表盘的“插件”页面激活“TablePress”插件。
- 到管理菜单的“TablePress”页面创建和管理表格。
- To insert a table into a post or page, add a “TablePress table” block in the block editor and select the desired table or use Shortcodes with common page builders.
很多问题,关于不同功能或者样式,已经在该插件网站的 FAQ 页面 上有了解答。
Users with an active TablePress Premium license plan are eligible for Priority Email Support, directly from the plugin developer! Find out more!
有关支持问题、错误报告或者需要加入新功能,请使用 WordPress 支持论坛。请先在论坛中搜索,只有在找不到相关回答后再发布新帖。谢谢!
In short: WordPress 6.0 or higher, while the latest version of WordPress is always recommended. In addition, the server must be running PHP 7.2 or newer.
TablePress 使用 “Translate WordPress” 平台。请查看 WordPress 插件目录 中的 TablePress 页面的边栏来了解我们支持的语言。
为了帮助 TablePress 使用您的语言,请到 TablePress 翻译页面,请使用免费的 wordpress.org 帐户登录并开始翻译。
您可以通过插件的官方GitHub 仓库获取更及时的TablePress开发信息。
请通过 Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program 报告和反馈在 TablePress 源码中发现的安全问题和错误。
Patchstack 团队将会协助你进行验证、分配 CVE 和通知 TablePress 开发者。 -
访问插件网站 tablepress.org 获取关于 TablePress 的最新信息,关注 @TablePress 的 Twitter 信息流,或者订阅 TablePress 新闻。
Version 2.4.2 (September 10, 2024)
- Bugfix: The “TablePress table” block in the WordPress Block Editor will properly show the table preview again.
- Bugfix: Control elements like the Search again remain in place, when using the “Scroll” mode of the “Responsive Tables” feature module. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Bugfix: When the “Responsive Tables” feature module’s “Flip” is used, a “Fixed Header” row will be hidden. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Cleaned up and simplified code, for easier future maintenance, to follow WordPress Coding Standards, and to offer helpful inline documentation.
Version 2.4.1 (August 13, 2024)
- Bugfix: The table width is correct again, when using the “Scroll” mode of the “Responsive Tables” feature module. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Bugfix: The “Responsive Tables” feature module’s “Stack” mode now properly handles tables with combined cells. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Bugfix: An edge case problem in the “Row Order” feature module’s multi-column sorting was fixed. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Bugfix: In the table import engine, compatibility issues with older versions of PHP were fixed.
- Enhancement: The settings of the “Server-side Processing” and the “Automatic Filtering” feature modules are now compatible. (TablePress Max only.)
- Cleaned up and simplified code, for easier future maintenance, to follow WordPress Coding Standards, and to offer helpful inline documentation.
- Several external code libraries and build tools have been updated to benefit from enhancements and bug fixes.
Version 2.4 (July 16, 2024)
New and improved features
- A new “Fuzzy Search” feature module allows the visitor to find similar and not just exact search matches. This is useful when e.g. searching for words with the same pronunciation but different spelling. (TablePress Max only.)
- The “Column Filter Dropdowns” feature module now allows specifying which columns should get a dropdown, and it’s possible to change their order! (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- Similarly, the “Search Panes” feature module now allows specifying which columns should get a search pane. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- The “Fixed Columns” feature module now also allows the visitor to scroll left and right by clicking arrow buttons (see below for more). (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- The “Row Order” feature module now allows ordering a table by multiple columns at the same time! (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- The “Server-side Processing” feature module can automatically refresh the shown data after a configured interval, so that the visitor will always see the latest data. (TablePress Max only.)
- The “Row Order” and “Server-side Processing” feature modules now sort non-numeric columns “naturally” and case-insensitive. (TablePress Pro and Max only.)
- The “REST API” feature module now supports pagination and ordering request parameters and sends corresponding HTTP headers for easier integration. (TablePress Max only.)
The “Responsive Tables” and “Fixed Columns” premium modules offer more possibilities
- The “Scroll” mode’s arrow buttons now stick to the top of the page, making them easier to use in long tables.
- In addition, they will now only be shown if a table actually needs horizontal scrolling!
- They also scroll the table in the expected direction now.
- And even better: These scroll arrow buttons are now also available when using the “Fixed Columns” feature module!
- When using the “Scroll” mode, the table name, description, and control elements like the Search now remain in place.
- In the “Flip” mode, the sorting arrows are now properly rotated.
- The “Stack” no longer conflicts with the “Fixed Columns” feature.
- The Safari browser on iOS will no longer unexpectedly change font sizes.
Miscellaneous changes
- TablePress warns that certain activated but retired TablePress Extensions will stop working with TablePress 3.0, later this year.
- TablePress actively prevents conflicts with overwritten menu items in the dashboard’s admin menu.
- The user interface experience on the “Edit” screen was improved.
- The size of “Custom CSS” code will be reduced even further, if the code has comments.
- The “Automatic Table Export” feature module now properly detects automatic periodic table imports. (TablePress Max only.)
- The “Automatic Periodic Table Import” feature module’s configuration screen now has better spacing. (TablePress Max only.)
- The “Server-side Processing” feature module checks for potential conflicts with incompatible features. (TablePress Max only.)
Behind the scenes
- Cleaned up and simplified code, for easier future maintenance, to follow WordPress Coding Standards, and to offer helpful inline documentation.
- Updated external libraries to benefit from enhancements and bug fixes.
- Automated code compatibility checks and build tools simplify chores for easier development.
Premium versions
- Even more great features for you and your site’s visitors and priority email support are available with a Premium license plan of TablePress. Go check them out!