该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。






  • 注册
  • 文章 – 您可以选择某些文章类型可获得积分奖励,并可为不同的文章类型设置不同的奖励数量。在文章被移除时,与此文章相关的积分将会被自动移除。
  • 评论 – 您可在用户发表评论时奖励积分给TA,您还可以设置文章的作者在TA的文章收到评论时,也可以收到积分奖励。您还可以为不同的文章类型的文章上的评论设置不同的积分奖励,当评论被移除或被标记为垃圾评论时,与之相关的积分将会被自动移除。
  • 浏览站点 – 您可以在用户浏览您的站点时给TA积分奖励,这个奖励可以是周期性的,周期是可以设置的。


全部的积分变动将会被记录并可在后台的 WordPoints » 积分记录 页面看到。您可以使用短代码 [wordpoints_points_logs] 让这些记录显示在您网站的前台页面。

您可以使用[wordpoints_points] 短代码展示一个用户有多少积分。您还可以使用[wordpoints_points_top]短代码来显示按积分从多到少的用户列表。

您还可以使用短代码 [wordpoints_how_to_get_points] 显示一个如何赚取积分的说明。

这个插件还提供了 几个小工具,您可以方便的输出上面短代码的内容。

更多特性正在规划中,您也可以在本插件的主页 WordPoints.org查看路线图。

在本插件的官网,您可以 查看叫做 “modules”的可用的扩展, 有几个常用的:从 CubePoints 导入积分到 WordPoints 的扩展与 WooCommerce 相关的扩展重置用户积分的扩展。将会有更多扩展被添加上去,在官网扩展页面,您会看到更多!


如果您是一个开发者,设计者或者是个可用性专家,并且您愿意回馈这个插件,欢迎您访问此插件的 GitHub 页面


如果您是安全研究者,欢迎您在bug bounty program on HackerOne报告漏洞给我们。




  • 一个积分记录的示例.

  • 积分类型后台屏幕. 您可以在这里创建您的积分 类型并配置在哪些交互事件发生时奖励积分给用户.

  • 一个在后台等级页面上的等级组, 您可以在这里创建和 管理您站点上使用的用户等级。

  • 短代码 [wordpoints_points_top] 的一个示例。

  • 短代码 [wordpoints_how_to_get_points] 的一个示例。

  • 您可以在后台的用户资料页手工调整用户的 积分.


在多站实例上安装此插件之前,推荐您阅读下 WordPoints 多站实例使用说明

  1. 下载并解压该插件的文件
  2. 上传 /wordpoints/目录或文件夹到/wp-content/plugins/ 目录下
  3. 在 WordPress 后台的插件->已安装插件 页面激活或启用该插件。
  4. 您可以通过单击WordPoints»积分类型菜单项设置您想要的积分类型。
  5. 如果您想使用用户等级,您可以在 WordPoints » 配置 页面的 组件选项卡启用等级组件。



在多站实例上安装此插件之前,推荐您阅读下 WordPoints 多站实例使用说明

  1. 下载并解压该插件的文件
  2. 上传 /wordpoints/目录或文件夹到/wp-content/plugins/ 目录下
  3. 在 WordPress 后台的插件->已安装插件 页面激活或启用该插件。
  4. 您可以通过单击WordPoints»积分类型菜单项设置您想要的积分类型。
  5. 如果您想使用用户等级,您可以在 WordPoints » 配置 页面的 组件选项卡启用等级组件。


WordPoints 是否支持多站实例?

当然,WordPoints 完全支持多站,建议您阅读这个 WordPoints 在多站上运行的说明




2021 年 3 月 18 日
Simple is good not too complicated, plus or minus the integral setting items and then more good, the best can set the decimal and decimal digits! Thank you for the author’s hard work!
2019 年 5 月 23 日
It is simple to set up and works great, thank you for this would love to see it working with forums such as Asgaros Forums.
2018 年 9 月 14 日
Thanks It’s a good hook for some users.


「WordPoints」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


「WordPoints」插件已被翻译至 1 种本地化语言。 感谢所有译者为本插件所做的贡献。





This plugin adheres to Semantic Versioning.

2.4.2 — 2018-05-08


  • Conflicts with some plugins (PayPal for WooCommerce, WCMp) causing fatal errors
    on the Points Types admin screen.
  • Performance improvements of the code that powers the Rate Limits for the Visit

2.4.1 — 2017-11-13


  • Fatal errors when a rank type was not recognized. This should usually never happen.
  • More fatal errors when viewing the points logs after deactivating BuddyPress.
  • “Update package not found” errors when attempting to update an extension.

2.4.0 — 2017-10-26

Requires: WordPress 4.7+


  • Extensions can now be updated from within the admin screens, just like plugins can.
    If you have installed any extensions from WordPoints.org, you may be prompted to
    enter your license key after updating. You can get your license key for an
    extension from the My Account page.
  • New [wordpoints_rank_list] shortcode to display a list of the ranks that users
    can have on the site.
  • Reaction settings can now include conditions on a post’s terms. This means that
    points can now be awarded for posts based on tags, categories, or custom
  • When no Reactions have been created for a points type yet, WordPoints will offer to
    create some demo reactions to help you get started.


  • “Modules” are now called “extensions”. The term “extension” is more familiar and
    obvious in its meaning than “module”.
  • When deleting a points type, you are now required to type the name of the points
    type in the confirmation dialog. This helps to ensure that points types aren’t
    deleted accidentally. In addition, the confirmation dialogs for when a Reaction or
    Rank is being deleted have been updated to so the reaction description or rank
    name, respectively, so that it is clear which rank or reaction is being deleted.


  • The Top Users points table will always order results for users with same number of
    points consistently, rather than it being more-or-less random. If two users have
    the same number of points, the one with the lowest ID will come before the one with
    the higher ID number. Thanks to Gspin96 for the patch!
  • Improved performance of the Ranks component. Creating ranks should be much quicker
    on sites with large numbers of users now.
  • The Max setting of the Contains condition for Reactions now interprets an empty max
    to mean no maximum, rather than a maximum of 0.
  • Corrected the invalid HTML that was breaking the user profile admin screen.
  • Fatal errors when viewing points logs after deactivating the BuddyPress plugin.

2.3.0 — 2017-03-14


  • Hardening: Module files are now validated before deletion. Previously a user with
    the capabilities to manage modules could list and delete any directory via the
    Delete Module admin screen.


  • The ability to disable an event reaction without deleting it.
  • The ability to set Conditions for a reaction on the post title, excerpt, and
    comment count.
  • Support for setting Conditions for a reaction on numeric attributes of an entity
    involved in an event (for example, post comment count). Available conditions are
    currently Equals, Greater Than, and Less Than.
  • The ability to set Conditions for a reaction or award points based on the parent of
    a page or other hierarchical post type.
  • The ability to set Conditions for a reaction on the comment content, or attributes
    of the parent comment if the comment is a reply.
  • Support for events that involve multiple entities (like when a user is added to a
    group, for example).
  • Better support for right-to-left locales.
  • More comments to aid in translation of the plugin.
  • Meta box with shortcode examples to the Points Types screen.


  • CSS and JS files to be minified.
  • Reactions UI to improve accessibility for unsighted users by allowing success and
    error messages to be spoken aloud by assistive technology.
  • Network-active modules to also be displayed on the per-site Modules screens on
  • Widgets to improve display in small sidebars. The settings now allow for some of
    the columns in the points logs tables to be hidden, horizontal scrolling to be
    enabled, and the user names to be hidden so that just the avatars are displayed.
    Also makes it so that the user rank is not displayed next to the user name within
    the widgets.
  • The Comment Leave event to only be fired for comments, not pingbacks or trackbacks.
  • The name of the “Configure” screen to “Settings” instead.


  • Error messages being displayed when first adding a widget to the site via the

Older Versions

If you’d like to view the changelog for older versions, see the changelog.txt file included with the plugin.