如果您尚未使用 Matomo On-Premise、Matomo Cloud 或托管自己的 Matomo 实例,请使用 Matomo for WordPress 插件。
该插件使用 Matomo API 在 WordPress 面板上显示 Matomo 统计数据。它还能将 Matomo 跟踪代码添加到您的博客,并对跟踪代码进行一些修改。此外,WP-Matomo 还支持 WordPress 网络,可管理多个网站及其跟踪代码。
使用此插件需要 Matomo 网络分析应用程序。如果您尚未安装 Matomo(例如,由您的虚拟主机服务商提供),您有两个简单的选择:使用 自行托管的 Matomo 或 InnoCraft 云托管的 Matomo。
要求: PHP 7.0(或更高版本)、WordPress 5.0(或更高版本)、Matomo 4.0(或更高版本)
什么是 Matomo?
- 了解如何安装自己的 Matomo 实例:环境要求,安装方法。
- 如果您需要有关 Matomo 的支持,请访问 Matomo 论坛。
- 最后,您可以开始设置 WP-Matomo 。
[wp-piwik module="overview" title="" period="day" date="yesterday"]
显示类似 WP-Matomo 总览仪表板的总览表。请参阅有关 VisitsSummary.get 的 Matomo API 文档,以获取更多有关期间和日期的信息。多个数据数组将累加。如果填写了 title 属性,其内容将显示在表格标题中。
[wp-piwik module="opt-out" language="en" width="100%" height="200px"]
显示 Matomo 退出统计 Iframe。您可以使用语言属性(如 de 表示德语)更改 Iframe 的语言,并使用相应的属性更改其宽度和高度。
[wp-piwik module="post" range="last30" key="sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors"]
显示与当前文章相关的所选键值。您可以定义一个范围(格式:lastN、previousN 或 YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY-MM-DD)和所需值的键(例如,sum_daily_nb_uniq_visitors、nb_visits 或 nb_hits – 有关详情,请参阅 Matomo 使用范围的 API 方法 Actions.getPageUrl)。
等于 [wp-piwik module=”overview” title=”” period=”day” date=”yesterday”]。
- 图表由 Chart.js 提供(MIT 许可)。
- Transifex 和 WordPress 的所有译员。
- 任何向 WP-Matomo 项目捐款的人,包括 Matomo 团队!
- 所有给我发送包含批评、表扬、功能请求和错误报告邮件的用户–你们帮助我把 WP-Matomo 做得更好!
在普通的 WordPress 博客上安装 WP-Matomo
- 将完整的
目录中。 - 通过 WordPress 的“插件”菜单以激活本插件。
- 打开新的 “设置/WP-Matomo (WP-Piwik) 设置 “菜单,按照说明配置 Matomo 连接。保存设置。
- 如果您有多个网站统计的查看权限,但没有启用 “自动配置”,请选择您的博客并再次保存设置。
- 查看 “仪表盘/WP-Matomo (WP-Piwik)”,查看网站统计数据。
在 WordPress 博客网络(WPMU/WP 多站点)上安装 WP-Matomo
在多站点环境中使用 WP-Matomo 有两种不同的方法:
- 作为一个网站专用插件,它的行为就像一个安装在简单 WordPress 博客上的插件。每个用户都可以自行启用、配置和使用 WP-Matomo。用户甚至可以使用自己的 Matomo 实例(而且必须这样做)
- 将 WP-Matomo 用作站点网络插件相当于一种集中式方法。使用一个 Matomo 实例,站点网络管理员可以完全配置插件。用户只允许查看自己的统计数据,站点网络管理员可以查看每个博客的统计数据。
只需将 WP-Matomo 添加到你的 /wp-content/plugins 文件夹,并为各个网站管理员启用插件页面即可。每个用户都必须自行启用和配置 WP-Matomo,才能使用该插件。
网络插件支持仍处于试验阶段。在用户环境中使用前,请自行测试(例如使用 WP 多站点的本地副本)。
将 WP-Matomo 添加到您的 /wp-content/plugins 文件夹,并将其启用为 网络插件。用户可以访问自己的统计数据,网站管理员可以访问每个博客的统计数据和插件配置。
在哪里可以找到 Matomo URL 和 Matomo 验证令牌?
要使用此插件,您需要有自己的 Matomo 实例。如果您还没有 Matomo 设置,您有两个简单的选择:使用 自行托管的 Matomo 或 InnoCraft 云托管的 Matomo。
Matomo 运行后,您就可以配置 WP-Matomo:Matomo URL 与您用来访问 Matomo 的 URL 相同,例如演示网站:http://demo.matomo.org。授权令牌是某种秘密密码,允许 WP-Matomo 从 Matomo 获取必要的数据。要获取授权令牌,请登录 Matomo,点击首选项齿轮图标(右上角),然后点击 “API”(左侧边栏菜单,靠近底部)。
您可以在这里获得更详细的说明: https://matomo.org/blog/2015/05/wordpress-integration-wp-piwik-1-0/
我收到这样一条信息”WP-Matomo (WP-Piwik) 无法使用我们的配置连接到 Matomo (Piwik)”。怎么解决?
首先,请确保您的配置有效,例如是否使用了正确的 Matomo URL(请参阅上面的说明)。然后,进入 “支持 “选项卡并运行测试脚本。该测试脚本将尝试从 Matomo 获取一些信息,并显示完整的响应。通常,响应输出会明确提示问题所在:
– bool(false) 和 HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden:不允许 WP-Matomo 连接到 Matomo。请检查 Matomo 服务器的配置。也许您通过 .htaccess 使用了密码保护,或者您阻止了来自 localhost/ 的请求。如果您不确定,请联系您的虚拟主机提供商寻求支持。
– bool(false)和HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found:Matomo URL 有误。请尝试复制并粘贴您通过浏览器访问 Matomo 本身时使用的 URL。
– bool(false) 没有进一步的 HTTP 响应代码:Matomo 服务器没有响应。这通常是由防火墙或 mod_security 设置造成的。请查看服务器日志文件以获取更多信息。如果您对此不确定,请联系您的虚拟主机提供商寻求支持。如果这也没有帮助,请在支持论坛上开设主题。如果可能,请共享包括测试脚本结果在内的所有可用信息。
PHP 兼容性检测器报告了 PHP7 与 WP-Matomo 的兼容性问题。
兼容性检查器显示了两个误报。WP-Matomo 100%兼容PHP7,你可以忽略该报告。
请参阅 Matomo 常见问题。
WP-Matomo 只显示我的多站点网络中的前 100 个站点。我怎样才能获得所有其他网站的信息?
Matomo API 默认限制为 100 个站点。在 Matomo 安装目录的 config/config.ini.php 文件的 [General] 部分添加以下一行:
API_datatable_default_limit = 1000
跟踪功能在 HostGator 上不起作用!
尝试启用”avoid mod_security”选项(WP-Matomo 设置,跟踪选项卡)或创建 mod_security 白名单。
我可以作为翻译为 WP-Matomo 做出贡献吗?
您想为 WP-Matomo 翻译做出贡献?请使用 Transifex 翻译社区。
当然,如果需要,我会添加缺失的语言,我也会上传 WP-Matomo 旧版本的现有语言文件。
如果不能(或不想)使用 transifex,也可以翻译 WP-Matomo 提供的 languages/wp-piwik.pot。
- 修复设置行为
- 修复 PHP API 模式下的自动配置
- 修复 “选择退出 “快捷代码的语言属性
- 移除已废弃的动态属性(PHP 8.2)
- 将插件重命名为“连接至 Matomo”
- 修复一个 XSS 漏洞
- 对插件显示名称进行编码
- 设置 requireConsent 或 requireCookieConsent 的选项
- 避免在空电子商务数据上发布通知
- 提高搜索跟踪的性能(感谢 theodejager,查看详情)
- 修复多站点下的子站点跟踪(感谢 ulkoalex,查看详情)
- 删除多余的表单结束标记(感谢 ulkoalex,查看详情)
- 修复了一个 CSRF 漏洞
- 修复设置页面上的 JavaScript 错别字,这些错别字破坏了某些界面功能
- 修复多站点网络上的代理路径(感谢 caveman99,查看详情)
- 修复数组键警告(感谢 goaround,查看详情)。
- 修正了代理 config.php 中的一个错误,以避免在 Matomo URL 中重复添加协议
- 代理脚本将在 proxy/config.php 之前运行 proxy/config.local.php,通过 $wpRootDir 设置单个 WordPress 根目录
- 修复通过代理脚本跟踪 feed 的问题(感谢 nicobilliotte,查看详情)。
- 添加 piwik.php 代理脚本包装器,确保使用 piwik.php 时代理跟踪代码继续工作
- 修复网络激活时博客选项停滞的问题(感谢 ulkoalex,查看详情)
- 修复城市统计数据上的错误标题(感谢 ulkoalex,查看详情)。
- 修复网络管理员的 “调用未定义的方法 “错误。
- 不允许设置空的 WP-Matomo 显示名称
- 将仪表板小工具上的 Piwik 链接更名为 Matomo
- 使用 Chart.js 替换 jqplot 和 jquery.sparklines
- 允许显示最近 60 天和最近 90 天的统计概览
- 允许选择从今天到过去 90 天的每个帖子统计范围
- 可选择删除 Matomo 脚本标记的 type 属性,请参见 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/how-to-remove-unnecessary-type-attribute-for-javascript/ 。
- 修复/更新代理脚本(感谢 nicobilliotte 和 Rasp8e,https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/91)
- 使部署在自定义文件夹中的插件能够正常工作(感谢 utolosa002,https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/88)
- 避免在 jqPlot 中使用过时的 jQuery.support.boxModel 的热修复程序 (https://github.com/jqPlot/jqPlot/issues/123)
- 在特定自定义帖子类型上启用元数据框(感谢 goaround,https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/83)
- 处理包含 matomo.js/.php 而非 piwik.js/.php 的跟踪代码
- 修正了 target=”_BLANK” 属性(感谢 tsteur)
- 错误修正:Innocraft 云 URL *.matomo.cloud 可以正常使用
- 配置 filter_limit 参数的选项(参见专家设置)
- 用 matomo.php 代理脚本替换 piwik.php 代理脚本
- 错误修正: HTTP 模式现在已经可以使用
- 支持新的 Innocraft 云 URL (*.matomo.cloud)
- 从 Piwik 更名为 Matomo
- 已添加城市、类型和模型视图
- 错误修正:避免在结果为空时发出警告
- 安全修复:请求变量逃逸
- Language updates
- 支持 WPML.org:为不同语言使用不同的网站 ID
- 电子商务小工具
- 解决了导致与 Yoast SEO 等其他插件不兼容的标题问题
- 更新 InnoCraft 云链接(InnoCraft 是 Matomo 背后的团队)
- 错误修正: 如果 Matomo 配置错误且启用了 WordPress 调试,则可避免页面损坏
- 新增 InnoCraft Cloud 支持(由 Matomo 幕后人员创建的新服务)。Piwik.pro 仍可通过 HTTP 模式使用,配置将自动更新。
- 在站点浏览器中添加了搜索功能
- 已添加预加载 DNS 选项,请参见 https://matomo.org/blog/2017/04/important-performance-optimizations-load-piwik-javascript-tracker-faster/
- 添加了设置链接和下载类别的选项(专家设置)
- 添加了选择注释应考虑哪些帖子类型的选项
- 错误修正:打开特定网络站点的 Matomo 统计数据时不再显示站点浏览器
- 错误修正:避免不必要的通知
- 错误修正: 避免代理脚本中的警告
- 错误修正:NoScript 代码重新正常工作
- 取代已废弃的 wp_get_sites
- 允许使用过滤器“wp-piwik_tracking_user_id”修改跟踪的用户 ID
- 错误修正:“文章”简码的输出位置不正确,请参见 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/post-shortcode-values-are-incorrectly-placed/
- 错误修正:WP_PROXY_BYPASS_HOSTS 的使用,请参见 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-considering-wp_proxy_bypass_hosts-in-proxy-setups/
- 错误修正: 代理脚本无法使用 cURL,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/issues/48
- 错误修正:RSS 订阅跟踪未使用代理 URL
- 操作“wp-piwik_site_created”扩展了站点 ID 参数,因此它将提供已创建站点的 Matomo 站点 ID
- 错误修正:修复了创建 Matomo 网站时出现的问题
- 错误修正:允许更改网络上手动定义的跟踪代码,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/issues/46
- Language updates
- 自述文件错别字修正(感谢 ujdhesa)
- 使用“wp-piwik_site_created”操作,在创建网站后执行自己的代码
- 改进缓存 ID 以避免干扰,参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/issues/42
- 删除通知和警告
- 允许使用过滤器“wp-piwik_tracking_code”修改跟踪代码
- 站点网络:不在单个网站上显示插件概述设置链接
- Security improvements
- 删除了一些除以零的警告
- 禁用 SSL 主机验证的选项(对等验证之外的选项)
- 概览小工具:如果值不可用,则不显示唯一访客行
- 修正:已修复“帖子”简码并可重新使用
- 安全修复
- Language updates
- 错误修正:过时的 get_currentuserinfo() 替换。感谢 infinity,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/21。
- 错误修正:即使选择了 1 天,“概览”部件也会显示正确的值,请参见 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/weird-numbers-im-wp-piwik
- 功能:在页面和自定义文章编辑中也显示“每篇文章的统计”和“自定义变量元方框”
- 错误修正:修复了用户追踪(将用户追踪更改从一般修改移至运行时修改)
- 错误修正:修正了命名空间错误。感谢 thelfensdrfer,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/18。
- 错误修正:博客名称更改时的警告,请参见 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/wp-piwik-triggers-warning-when-changing-blog-name
- 功能:用户 ID 追踪。感谢 Danw33,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/16
- 功能:在退出简码中添加网站 ID 参数。感谢 christianhennen,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/17。
- 功能:允许本地配置文件影响代理脚本,请参见 https://wordpress.org/support/topic/proxy-config-require-wp-loadphp-path
- 错误修正:如果手动定义了追踪代码,则不会自动插入无脚本标签。
- Language updates
- 编码& gettext 修复
- 更好的错误信息。感谢 mcguffin,请参见 https://github.com/braekling/WP-Matomo/pull/14。
- Several language updates.
- 重要安全修复:XSS 漏洞
- Several language updates.
- Feature: Offer setDownloadExtensions option (see expert settings).
- Feature: Consider configured HTTP connection method in proxy script.
- Widget: Visitor country added.
- Bugfix: Annotations on scheduled posts will work.
- Bugfix: Donation button will work again.
- Several language updates.
- Switch to JSON renderer (Matomo 3 compatibility preparation)
- Workaround: PHP API will work with Matomo 2.14+, see https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/8311 for further information.
- Feature: Heartbeat timer support
- Feature: Expanded token & URL/path input fields
- Bugfix: Site duplication fix.
- Bugfix: Avoid notice on empty overview response.
- Bugfix: Return request error responses.
- Bugfix: Opt-out URL fixed.
- Bugfix: Capabilities: “Do not track”-filter and “show stats”-limit will work on multisites as expected again.
- Several language updates.
- Feature: Disable update notifications (expert settings).
- Feature: Choose between cURL and fopen if both are available (expert settings).
- Feature: Choose between POST and GET (expert settings).
- Widget: System details added.
- Widget: SEO widget re-enabled.
- Update: Replaced deprecated Matomo API calls.
- Bugfix: Settings link (toolbar, network mode) fixed.
- Bugfix: Encode blog titles in PHP mode.
- Bugfix: Pie charts won’t show to long legends if more than 10 items are available.
- Several language updates, amongst others Portuges (Brazil) finished. See https://www.transifex.com/organization/piwik/dashboard/wp-piwik for further information.
- Bugfix: If WP-Matomo is not configured properly or the connection to Matomo could not be established, the toolbar graph won’t cause a JavaScript error anymore.
- Feature: Expand “other” values on click
- Bugfix: Avoid notices on invalid file path (PHP API)
- Bugfix: Cookie lifetime input boxes are in some cases shown or hidden by mistake
- Network (multisite): Updated plugin to use wp_get_sites if possible
- Test script: Settings dump added
- Bugfix: Fixed memory & timeout issue on multisites
- Add clear cache function.
- Add clear settings (reset) function.
- Bugfix: Sitebrowser link (settings page, support) fixed
- Bugfix: Use new settings directly after saving (reloading is not necessary anymore)
- Optimized caching behaviour
- Language update (German, French)
- Bugfix: Opt-out shortcode output fix
- Bugfix: Opt-out shortcode will also work in “pro” and “php” mode
- Bugfix: Test script link (settings page, support) fixed
- Bugfix: Removed test script errors and notices
- Bugfix: Keep sure the revision ID is stored and avoid re-installing the plugin again and again
- Bugfix: http/pro – after configuration the settings page had to be reloaded once to start working
- Typo fixes
- Bugfix: Option storage bug if WP-Matomo is used as single site plugin on blog networks
- Bugfix: WP-Matomo will work without Matomo superuser access, again
- Bugfix: Choosing the site without auto config works again
- Bugfix: In some cases the update message did not disappear -> fixed
- Important change: If you want to upgrade from 0.8.x to 0.10.x, please install first: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wp-piwik.
- Bugfix: Settings link in admin notices fixed
- Bugfix: Shortcode result will appear where expected
- Bugfix: settings will be kept (if WP-Matomo was not reconfigured after updating to, yet)
- Feature: If Matomo returns an error instead of a tracking code, this error will be visible
- WP-Matomo 1.0 公测版
- Full refactored code
- Feature: Limit referral cookie lifetime
- Feature: Enable content tracking
- Improvement: Define additional file extensions for tracking downloads
- Improvement: Added a POT file to support translators (Note: 1.0 will change a lot, so please don’t spend too much time in translating the current version, e.g., by creating an all new translation. With 1.0 I will also offer a translation platform to support your work.)
- Improvement: If necessary, you can force Matomo to use HTTP or HTTPS now (e.g., to avoid redirections from http to https)
- Avoided a naming collision with Woo Theme
- Improvement: Updated the Matomo proxy script and added cURL support if url_fopen is not available
- Bugfix: Setup bug, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/piwik-urlpath-not-saved
- Bugfix: CDN URL notice, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/tracking-cdn-blank-gives-php-notice-which-breaks-the-trackback-js-code
- Bugfix: Fixed zlib compression notice, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/v09914-is-bad
- Bugfix: Proxy script label links to proxy script checkbox
- Fixed a typo in German language file
- Bugfix: PHP API causes plain text output issue (see
- Bugfix: Shortcode output translated
- Bugfix: One more commit error
- Bugfix: Adding up problem related to the overview widget
- Bugfix: Fixes missing brackets on ob_start
- Hotfix: Adds / to js/index.php to force a reload
- Bugifx: Replaced broken support link
- Added a bitcoin donation link
- Bugfix: Commit errors in
- Improvement: Only activate/ load admin components if an admin page is actually loaded. Thanks to Michael!
- Bugfix: Proxy tracking will work again. Matomo 2.7 or higher is recommended.
- Bugfix: Avoid a PHP notice in dashboard
- NOTE: If you update Matomo and use the “add tracking code” feature, please also update your WP-Matomo tracking code: Just open the WP-Matomo tracking code settings and save them again.
- Bugfix: Avoid forced relogin on site change (WP network)
- Bugfix: Avoid multiple annotations on post updates
- Bugfix: Use mergeSubdomains instead of mergeAliasURLs
- Feature: Added mergeAliasURLs as additional feature
- Bugfix: PHP API causes plain text output issue, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/bug-cant-access-to-tabs-in-setting-after-configuration
- Bugfix: PHP API causes WordPress multisite login issue, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/causes-multisite-superadmin-subsite-login-problem
- Bugfix: Removed PHP warning if annotations are enabled and annotations will work again, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/warning-message-everywhere-in-the-backend-call_user_func_array-expects
- Feature: “Track visitors across all subdomains” script changes are done by Matomo now, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/track-across-subdomains-wp-on-subdomain?replies=2
- Update: Flattr API update
- Bugfix: Multisite login issue, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/0999-multisite-frontend-not-logged-in
- Bugfix: wpMandrill compatibility, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/version-0999-conflicts-with-wpmandrill
- Feature: Show page views (actions) in “visitors last 30”
- Update: PHP API will use namespaces (Matomo 2.x compatibility)
- Update: Matomo URL isn’t necessary to use PHP API anymore.
- Feature: Limit cookie lifetime
- Feature: Track visitors across all subdomains
- Feature: Disable custom var box if necessary
- Feature: Choose if you like to add the tracking code to your site’s footer or header
- Feature: New shortcode (post)
- Feature: Add data-cfasync=false to script tag if necessary.
- Feature: Add annotations on new posts, see http://linuxundich.de/webhosting/beim-veroeffentlichen-von-wordpress-posts-eine-anmerkung-in-piwik-setzen/
- Bugfix: Do not load sparklines plugin if toolbar not shown
- Bugfix: PHP API will work again (urlencoding removed)
- jqPlot and jquery.sparkline updated
- Partly refactored code
- Feature: Per post stats (shown at the edit post page)
- Feature: Track RSS views using a measurement pixel
- Bugfix: Error messages won’t by cached anymore
- Bugfix: Custom vars will now be added properly
- Bugfix: Missing slash in proxy mode added
- Feature: Track users on admin pages
- Bugfix: Proxy script will work again
- Option: Enable/disable one week caching
- Load config file using full path to avoid side effects
- Fatal error on statistics settings page fixed
- Use Transients API (one week caching)
- Option: Track visitors without JavaScript, see http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_176
- Sparkline script update (IE 10 compatibility)
- Syntax error fixes
- Bugfix regarding tracking code changes in proxy mode, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problem-with-https-in-proxy-mode
- Feature: Change text “WP-Matomo” in menu items and dashboard widgets
- Code cleanup (“new” first step)
- Debugging: Logger added
- Avoid double slash (//) in tracking code
- CDN support: http and https separated, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/request-cdn-support-1
- Made code optional. Move code to site footer.
- Matomo 1.11 compatibility fixes (Matomo 1.11 required now!)
- Depending on Matomo 1.11 WP-Matomo will use async tracking now
- CDN support added, see https://wordpress.org/support/topic/request-cdn-support-1
- Warning on empty data removed (overview table)
- Removed a possible deadlock
- Bugfix: Apply tracking code settings everytime the tracking code is updated
- Reset/uninstall script bugfix regarding network mode
- WordPress 3.5 compatibility fix: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/v35-errors-fix?replies=5 (Thanks Christian Foellmann!)
- Advanced Search Result Analytics, see http://piwik.org/docs/javascript-tracking/#toc-tracking-internal-search-keywords-categories-and-no-result-search-keywords
- Site Search stats added
- Use js/index.php: Replaces piwik.js and piwik.php by js/ (instead of piwik.js only)
- Connection timeout setting added
- Full reset option added
- Uninstall script added
- Stats metaboxes: Date formatted
- Use proxy settings defined in wp-config.php
- Matomo.php proxy script added (see http://piwik.org/faq/how-to/#faq_132)
- Bugfix: After upgrade, Matomo automatically places cookies again (https://wordpress.org/support/topic/after-upgrade-piwik-automatically-places-cookies-again)
- Shortcodes added
- WP-Matomo will rename sites in Matomo if site name changes in WordPress
- Bugfix: Tracking code changes should stay active after WP-Matomo updates
- Matomo 1.9+ 兼容性修复(需要 Matomo 1.9!)。
- Browser version details added
- Toolbar graph bugfix
- Option: Disable SSL peer verification (REST API)
- Option: Use own user agent
- Test script displays additional information (e.g. response headers)
- Using WordPress metabox concept properly
- Bugfix: Sparkline script only loaded if required
- Stats site supports up to 3 columns
- Network admin stats: Choose site using a paged table (instead of a select box).
- Feature: Custom variables, using custom post meta boxes.
- Some minor bugfixes
- WordPress 3.4 compatible (workaround)
- Requires at least Matomo 1.8.2!
- Choose between HTTP API or PHP API
- Show graph on WordPress Toolbar
- Add option to disable cookies – Thanks to Mathias T.!
- Update bugfix: Upgrading from WP-Matomo 0.8.7 or less will work again
- Some minor bugfixes
- Bugfix: Adding a new site will work again.
- Uses $wpdb->blogs instead of $wpdb->prefix.’blogs’ to keep it compatible to different database plugins
- Bugfix: SEO dashboard widget will work even if “last 30” is selected
- Bugfix: New created blogs won’t show “Please specify a value for ‘idSite’.” anymore.
- Bugfix: New network sites without title will be created
- Bugfix: Upgrading from old versions will work again
- Tabbed settings
- Debug tools added (testscript, site configuration overview and WP-Matomo reset)
- Support forum RSS feed
- Language updates
- Optionally use of set_time_limit(0) on stats page time out
- Bugfix: Usage as “Site Specific Plugin” mixed up the different sites settings (network mode)
- Hotfix: Avoid “Unknown site/blog” message without giving a chance to choose an existing site. Thank you, Taimon!
- Auto-configuration
- No code change required to enable WPMU mode anymore (Still experimental. Please create a backup before trying 0.9.0!)
- All features in WPMU available
- Bugfix: Removed unnecessary API calls done with each site request – Thank you, Martin B.!
- Bugfix: No stats on dashboard (sometimes this issue still occured, should be fixed now)
- Code cleanup (still not finished)
- Minor UI fixes
- Minor language/gettext improvements
- Security improvements
- Show SEO rank stats (very slow, caching will be added in 0.9.1)
- WordPress dashboard SEO rank widget (very slow, caching will be added in 0.9.1)
- New option: use js/index.php
- New option: avoid mod_security
- Multisite: Order blog list alphabetically (Network Admin stats site)
- Settings: Order site list alphabetically (site list shown if order conf is disabled)
- jqplot update (IE 9 compatibility) – Thank you, Martin!
- Bugfix: No stats on dashboard
- Layout fix: Graph width on dashboard
- Minor code cleanup
- WP 3.2 compatible, metabox support
- Bugfix: Will also work with index.php in Matomo path
- Bugfix: last30 dashboard widget – show correct bounce rate
- New language files (Azerbaijani, Greek, Russian)
- Fixed hardcoded database prefix (WPMU-Matomo)
- Minor bugfixes: avoid some PHP warnings
- Added an optional visitor chart to the WordPress dashboard
- WPMU/multisite bug fixed
- Minor bugfixes
- Select default date (today or yesterday) shown on statistics page
- Bugfix: Shortcut links are shown again
- German language file update
- Minor optical fixes (text length)
- New stats in overview box
- WP 3.x compability fixes (capability and deprecated function warnings)
- Some minor bugfixes
- New config handling
- Code clean up (not finished)
- Matomo 1.1+ compatibility fix
- Bugfix: WPMU URL update bug
- Use load_plugin_textdomain instead of load_textdomain
- Fixed js/css links if symbolic links are used
- Changed experimental WPMU support to experimental WP multisite support
- Try curl() before fopen() to avoid an OpenSSL bug
- Added Norwegian language file by Gormer
- 别担心 – 新功能很快就会推出 😉
- 使用 jqPlot 代替 Google 图表 API
- 改头换面
- Some minor bugfixes
- 追踪自己分类中的 404 页面
- 获取一些页面(和文章)详细信息
- Language updates
- 错误修正:修正了百分比计算
- 错误修正: 游客图表:如果访问量 < 50 人/每天,则标签不会重叠
- 访客图表:添加红色独立访客平均线
- 访客表:添加了总计统计数据行
- 饼图:显示前 9 名 + “其他”,新增颜色范围
- 选项:在概览框中显示 Matomo 快捷方式
- 一些性能优化
- 删除不必要的调试输出
- German language file update
- WordPress 仪表板小工具:新增最近 30 天视图
- 点击访客统计天数列,加载其详细信息
- 在 WordPress 仪表板中添加统计概览
- 添加了 WPMU 实验性支持
- 切换至停用 Google 图表 API
- 添加了阿尔巴尼亚语[sq]语言文件
- 添加了白俄罗斯语[be_BY]语言文件
- 显示选定用户角色的统计数据
- 一些 HTML 修复(设置页面)
- 添加了追踪筛选
- 分辨率统计数据
- 操作系统统计数据
- 插件统计数据
- 如果在 php.ini 中停用了 allow_url_fopen,WP-Matomo 会尝试使用 CURL 而不是 file_get_contents。
- 兼容 WordPress 2.8
- 错误修正:WP 2.8 插件网站上的警告
- 仪表板修订
- 优化部分代码
- WP-Matomo 仪表板小工具化
- 统计框可分类和关闭
- 添加了德语语言文件
- 浏览器统计和被退回的访客
- 首个公开版本