该插件尚未通过WordPress的最新3个主要版本进行测试。 当与较新版本的WordPress一起使用时,可能不再受到维护或支持,并且可能会存在兼容性问题。

WriteShare 撰写 Community Platform


There is more to writing on WordPress than blogging.

WriteShare plugin will give you books with chapters. Turn WordPress into a full featured writing community.

With WriteShare, site admins get a writing platform. It’s easy to set up full on writing communities for education. Classes and courses using various Learning Management Systems (LMS) like LearnDash, LifterLMS, Namaste, Sensei, WP Courseware, WP LMS, LearnPress, will find the WP WriteShare plugin a must for all writing and course work submissions.

Fanfiction, recipe, journalism/news, longread… hell, any site that invites writers or members to submit text, graphics, or both will want to use WriteShare.

WriteShare uses advanced taxonomy features which offer flexibility in how content is organized for both writers and readers, making your WordPress more of a writing platform than a blogging site.

Writers will upload their submissions in a simple yet organized format. Writings will be easily searched by not just author and date (that’s the blogging way), but with more search options.

WP WriteShare is going to be super easy to use and set up, lightweight, flexible.


WriteShare Overview – Site Admin Dashboard and Front End: https://youtu.be/n__S16KyRac

Adding Books with Chapters: https://youtu.be/ZHn9JqThcXc


  • 面板
  • 設定
  • 内容类型
  • Taxonomies
  • 撰写
  • Categorizing


Install and activate like all plugins.

There will be two additions to your Dashboard:

  1. WriteShare
  2. 正文

WriteShare > Settings

Select your content type. This selection will change 2. Content to your selection.

  • Note these URLS for when you create your menus:
  • Submit Writings: /write/
  • Editing: via Edit links in Profile
  • Search and Archives: /content/ … this will be whatever you select for content such as /fanfic/ or /poetry/ or /essays/
  • Login/registration: /wp-admin/
  • Profile: /profile/

Setup Instructions:

  • Quick Setup (this is all most of you will need)- http://wpwriteshare.com/setup-instructions/
  • Detailed Setup – http://wpwriteshare.com/setup-instructions/setup-instructions-full-detail/
  • If you want to require writer’s to request writing privileges on your site, see New Writers Registration and Approval Instructions – http://wpwriteshare.com/setup-instructions/request-writer-status/
  • Posting/Editing is very straightforward, but there are a few notes on that page – http://wpwriteshare.com/setup-instructions/posting-and-editing-instructions/
  • Show me how to quickly set up the plugin to use on an education site: Academic Setup – http://wpwriteshare.com/academic-setup/
  • Show me how to quickly set up the plugin to use on a fanfic site: Fanfic Setup – http://wpwriteshare.com/fanfic-setup/

If you need extensive setup instructions, please go to http://wpwriteshare.com/setup-instructions/setup-instructions-full-detail/

WriteShare Overview – Site Admin Dashboard and Front End: https://youtu.be/n__S16KyRac
Adding Books with Chapters: https://youtu.be/ZHn9JqThcXc


Does your plugin work with BuddyPress and bbPress?

Yes. It’s ideal for education communities using LMS like LearnDash, Namaste, Sensei, WP Courseware, Lifter LMS, and all social networking sites using BuddyPress.

Can your plugin be used for XYZ kind of writing?

Yes, you can easily change Taxonomy labels in Dashboard > WriteShare > Settings to easily adapt it to any and all kinds of writings.

Does your plugin allow for books with chapter?

Yes, and you can easily jump between chapters using the drop down menu that lists the chapters submitted.

Is posting via front end?

Yes, and editing, too.

My plugin won’t install – or – I am getting an error when installing. What is wrong?

You must be using PHP 5.3 or higher. Please note, any earlier versions are outdated and not supported. Recommended version is 5.6+.

Are you open to feedback and suggestions?

Absolutely, hi@wpwriteshare.com. Please let us know your thoughts. This is a super early version of this plugin, and many enhancements and additional functionality will be coming throughout 2016. Let us know what you’re looking for so we can determine which elements to work on first.

Where can I find setup videos?

WriteShare Overview – Site Admin Dashboard and Front End: https://youtu.be/n__S16KyRac
Adding Books with Chapters: https://youtu.be/ZHn9JqThcXc


2022 年 6 月 27 日
So this is it? Plugin has no updates, site is not working. I can pay, and I think a lot of people could pay to have this plugin. It`s simple and good working, it needs just a few features to add and it will be awesome.
2018 年 4 月 14 日
I’m very impressed with this plugin. I’ve been wanting to use a WordPress blog to host my various creative writing projects for quite a while now, but was unsatisfied with vanilla WordPress for various reasons. WriteShare is the missing piece of the puzzle, and I’m really pleased with the results. It even works well with my favourite WordPress theme! I foresee myself using WriteShare for many projects, both current and future. Additionally, Jacky was very helpful and responsive when I had questions about the plugin and how to get it working as I wanted. Overall, very impressed with both the plugin and the support offered by its creator. Highly recommended for writing-focused sites!
2018 年 3 月 10 日
Great tool. very useful The best books writing website & novels writing software www.novelorbook.com
2017 年 11 月 5 日
I love the flexibility of this plugin for personal writing as well as community sites. They were very responsive and helpful when I couldn’t get the chapter dropdown to work and were able to confirm it was a conflict with the particular themes that I’d tried. I’m very happy and plan to use it for my writing.


「WriteShare 撰写 Community Platform」是开源软件。 以下人员对此插件做出了贡献。


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1.1.19 Noted update for WordPress 5.0. Note: Gutenberg editor is NOT used in WriteShare Custom Post types.

1.1.18 Fixed 1 bug: 1) author profile page was breaking if the author’s name had a space or special character it and the author was a user level of editor, author, or contributor.

1.1.17 Fixed 2 bugs: 1) author profile page was breaking if the author’s name had a space or special character it. 2) members couldn’t upload media if BuddyPress was installed.

1.1.15 We removed user names from the author drop down list for security purposes. Only display names will appear on that drop down. Additionally, we made adjustments so that the plugin is fully translatable. It has been fully translated to Dutch. We welcome all other languages.